blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

MKO’s Response to Tariq Aziz’s Death Sentence out of Character

The accounts of MKO activities are agreeably and accurately documented by the governments of France, the United States, and Iran. All have the same opinion that the noteworthy initial visit with the MKO’s Masoud Rajavi and Tariq Aziz signifies a precise turning point in the history of MKO endeavors. That meeting was the start of a long-term strategy in which Rajavi lassoed power and led the group into a bizarre existence as he became an autocratic ideological leader with a cult of personality.

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Mujahedin Khalq and Western Intelligence

Regarding the fact that a terrorist designated organization is not able to own an intelligence satellite, it is interesting that the MKO’s recently published so-called revelations on a new Iranian nuclear site near Qazvin signifies something the US feels is worth looking into…The MKO/MEK/PMOI is plainly not welcome in Iran, not trusted by Iranians, nor should they be trusted by the West. Ultimately the MKO’s relationship with Western intelligence will lead to the cult’s self destruction. And for God’s sake it’s about time.

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MKO Has No Base Amongst Iranians

..What many Americans don’t know is that the MKO/MEK/PMOI, has no base among Iranians. And it should have no base among the few Americans supporting them anyway because the MKO committed murderous acts of terror against Americans…No Iranian would agree with the MKO’s motto that they are “The Voice of Change for a New Iran.” Which Iran is the MKO referring to? The one that has few, if any, supporters? The one full of MKO defectors?..

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