blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 3

While she claims that any type of force or impose on women for their family life is forbidden, Maryam Rajavi imposes the most serious forced separations on MKO families especially on those women who were in love with their husbands and had lived with them for a lot of years..

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 2

Do you know any woman in Ashraf, who is allowed to remove her scarf? Do you know any woman in Ashraf who is free to wear clothes other than military uniform assigned by the organization to wear?Do you know any woman in Ashraf to believe in any religion or ideology except the ones that Rajavis dictate?Do you know any individual in the entire cult of Rajavi who is allowed to do any job except the one that the leaders assign? Do you know anybody (either male or female) who is allowed to complain about the plan or job he or she is assigned ..

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Maryam Rajavi and her so-called human rights

When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!..Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 1

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Maryam Rajavi published a message that included a lot of slogans on what she wants to do in the future Iran but her claims are exactly the opposite of what she really believes in and how she really acts. Although she uses such slogans in Europe as her ideals, Camp Ashraf represents a pattern of the society Rajavi wants to establish in Iran. The study of Rajavi’s treatments towards her members reveals that her slogans are her deceitful, political tools to ..

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Nejat Society meeting in Gilan

On November 25th, 2009 a group of families who were invited by Nejat Society Gilan Office, gathered in a meeting called “Appeal for Help”. They visited Mr. Hamid Hajipour and Mr. Akbar Mohebi, two recently defected members of Rajavi’s cult, Mujahedin Khalq Organization. During that friendly meeting where the two defectors were congratulated on their joining their families, Mr. Ali pour Ahmad, the head of Nejat Society Gilan Office welcomed the families who are members of Nejat Society.

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Nejat Society APPEAL FOR HELP meeting in Gilan

On November 25, 2009 a number of families of captured Camp Ashraf residents from Gilan attended a meeting held by Nejat Society Gilan Branch called “Invocation” to ask Red Cross and other international organizations and especially the government of Iraq to help them visit their beloved ones who are captured behind the bars of the infernal cult of Rajavis.

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The process of MKO Decline

As Camp Ashraf is the symbol of MKO’s existence and so –called ideology, losing Ashraf equals the loss of MKO leaving Iraq means accepting a huge strategic mistake that the ideological leader made 30 years ago. And that’s what Massoud Rajavi has done in his latest message .. The members have always been told to defend Ashraf in any circumstances. They were ordered to lay down in front of vehicles driven by Iraqi Police when they raided Camp Ashraf on July 28th. They were told to sacrifice themselves to keep the Camp.

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