blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

MKO’s Stalinist Power Structure

Rajavi succeeded in making the individuals empty of their human characteristics. The individuals are devoid of “Joy of life”, so they are always anxious and agitated about their future. They can never trust others even their family members or friends. These manipulated individuals can no more be critical about their leaders’ acts. The individuality is totally denied in MKO and this is a disastrous danger that risks the humanity and lives and future of at least 3500 people who are victims of MKO cult

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Pride and joy among MKO defectors

Mr.Ahmad and Jamshid Sarayee and Mr.Yanpey who were banned behind the bars of Mujahedin at Camp Ashraf returned home and joined their families. Within a friendly atmosphere at Nejat Society Gorgan Office, the defectors gathered together and shared their bitter memoirs of the days of their being captives of MKO and that their new life in their motherland is filled with joy and peace.

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Organized Violence at Camp Ashraf

MEK despite what its leaders claim, has never followed a peaceful option to achieve its goals. Massoud Rajavi, like Stalin, divided the world to two groups:”With MEK and Against MEK”[MKO/PMOI]; he isolated the organization behind the barbed wires so no idea or no individual is able to get in or out..The culture of violence is not only included in physical violence but also in verbal violence. The physical violence is based on verbal violence.

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Nejat Society Golestan branch letter to Iraqi Ambassador

Now that, the Iraqi police have succeeded to seize the military Camp Ashraf and the brainwashed residents of the camp have gone on forced hunger strike, we demand you to help us visit our beloved ones in Camp Ashraf in an appropriate situation, with the presence of ICRC officials and Iraqi authorities. We urge on our demand to meet our children in a secure, peaceful atmosphere, without the presence of MKO criminal leaders since we are eager to help our children release from the bars of the cult, get back to free life in a free society..

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Totalitarian Ideological leader of MKO

The totalitarian, fascist approach of MKO leader is obviously represented in the internal relations of the group…The mind control system which includes manipulation meetings and brainwashing sessions (Cult jargons) helps the ideological leader relate all aspects of the lives of Ashraf residents to their so-called armed struggle and terrorist strategy..In a totalitarian system, one can except any kind of behavior such as terror act..

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Mr. Jannat Sadeqi: The only responsible for grieves we bear is Rajavi

It is clear that Rajavi has always been on the wrong way but the families of Camp Ashraf residents are concerned about the lives of their beloved ones who are still behind the bars of hellish organization of Rajavi. Large group of families seek the accomplishment of Iraqi government’s ultimatum based on the expulsion of cult members from Iraq and the removal of Camp Ashraf. Immediately after the recent clashes at Camp Ashraf, they contacted Nejat Society ..

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Hunger Strike: Idiot Behavior or Negative Reaction

Imposing hunger strike on Ashraf residents is a reality. It is a being which is now showing off in Camp Ashraf but it is not a truth..In fact, Rajavi believed that terrorist acts should be led in MEK manner under its coherent organizational system, and then the objectives would be better achieved.. During the meeting he tried to combine the violent acts of Usama Bin Laden with MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] terrorist trends, to conclude his own plan..

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Sha’aban Izakian Family Worry about the fate of their son residing in Ashraf

During the visit, the brother asked about the situation of Ashraf residents. One of the defectors explained the current situation ruling the cult in Camp Ashraf while the old mother was listening to him carefully. Then she began talking of her memoirs of his son “Musa”. After, she listened to what others said about the actual condition of Camp Ashraf and the recent incidents; she got so upset and worried about the fate of her son who hasn’t contacted them for years.

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Memoirs of Ms. Soltani ex- Member of PMOI’s Leadership Council

Ms. Batoul Soltani former member of the leadership Council of People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI, MKO, MEK) was released after two decades of being captive in the cult of Rajavi …during those years she lost her kids and her warm family center..The life of Ms. Batoul Soltani is mostly like a tragic drama that seems like an incredible fate. She is now stepping in a way to rejoin her missing husband and children.

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Ms. Nuri Letter to her daughter, Ashraf resident

Why has Maryam Rajavi gathered high ranking members in Ouver-Sur-d’Oise and doesn’t send them to Ashraf to confront Iraqi forces? Why should always the rank and file members be victimized for the leaders? For what reason and based on which logic?Your daughter just wants you. She asks me about you and his father every time she sees me. She asks me about the time you may return to visit her. And I have no answer for none of her questions.

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