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Information Control within MKO Cult

The primary step to control their environment is to monitor and control the information they get because if the members’ mind could get any new information, the world the cult leaders have created for them should be damaged…As a mind control cult, Mujahedin Khalq has a long history of information control over its members, according to the testimonies of most former members of MKO Cult..

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Required recruiting tool

“They flatter you in a way that you don’t even realize they are doing so” says Ann Singleton who has once been an MKO/PMOI member. She explains the ways the Organization treated her when it needed to recruit her;” they really put themselves on a pedestal so that when you want to join them you feel special.”Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you.

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Is Israel next option for MKO?

The main supporters of MKO in the US government including Raymond Tanter are the leading promoters of the Israeli lobby, AIPAC which is the strongest lobby in the American administration and the best option to advocate MEK’s cause in US. Therefore, the former enemy of America and Israel has transferred to an ally that is the enemy of their enemy and so their friend.

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The use of politics for MKO

for MKO/PMOI leaders the only definition for politics is the power over their victims including their cult members and Western politicians. Given the use of politics is only to achieve power; the means to reach such a goal is justified to be anything. The means could include resorting to deception and lie to deceive western powerful governments, so dependence has no place in such a policy, ..

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PMOI’s Intimidating leadership

To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life..As Ann Singleton (former member of MEK/PMOI) writes in her book “ Saddam’s Private Army” ,Masud Rajavi “ implied in his speeches that if such a leader has done his job well enough, then he starts a relationship with Imam Zaman ( the last and still awaited Imam in Shiite Islam) and therefore has direct contact with God.”

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Exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults

The leaders of MKO cult, as well as ,all other cult leaders try to convince the members that their organization’s belief is the best of the world and eventually they are superior to the other people because they are saved by their leaders and they can since then be the saviors of the world. Ann Singleton, the former member of the cult of Rajavi affirms this fact:” I though I was superior to the world .. I wanted to save the world.” Howcultswork calls such phenomenon as the exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults. According to Howcultswork , the cults prevent the members from joining any other belief or ideology system. The membership in the cult matters.

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