blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Rajavis’ Cult on the net

For those MKO members who are captured by MKO in Camp Ashraf Iraq or Camp Maryam France, surfing the Internet includes a difficult process due to the sever information control dominating the cult. The members would work on the Internet only in groups of at least two people including a superior and a minor member. The limited number of websites filtered for them, are just those of the organization that advocate the cults’ cause.

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Families of Nejat Society branch in Ahwaz issued a statement

A group of family members of Camp Ashraf residents, at Nejat Society office in Ahwaz, attended a gathering held by NejatNGO on Friday May 8th,2009. They issued a statement addressing Mr. Nouri Al Maliki, Iraqi Prime Minister,..As families of MKO members, we have been deprived of visiting our beloved children who have been taken as hostages in Camp Ashraf for years. We use the opportunity to ask your Excellency to provide us with a situation that we would be able to visit our captured children who are barred by MKO/PMOI/MEK which violates all international human rights conventions.

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Elevation of Rajavi from charismatic leadership to cult of personality

In the early years of the foundation of Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Masud Rajavi was not as experienced as most members including founders of the movement or those who were more related to the founders, but after the Islamic Revolution he could assume leadership in MKO/PMOI/MEK despite he didn’t have qualifications of a leader since he was among those few people who were not executed by Shah’s Savak and there were allegations on his cooperation with Savak when he was interrogated by them. Therefore after his release he tried to represent himself as a charismatic leader because despite his expectations, he couldn’t achieve any powerful position

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Families of MKO members meeting in Ahwaz

The meeting was held with the presence of more than 50 families of MKO captives who are banned behind the bars of Rajavis’ cult and also some of the separated members. ..Mr. Ekrami member of Nejat Society then addressed the audiences under the title of “Active relations between families and Society, guaranties the release of hostages of MKO”.Mr. Maziyar Shirvani the former member of MKO who recently managed to release himself from the cult and joined his family explained aspects of the atmosphere rules the cult of Rajavi ..

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A delegation of Czech Republic journalists visited Nejat society

During this visit, Mr. Arash Sametipour the secretary of Nejat Society welcomed the delegation giving a detailed description of the activities of the society and its plans for future. Mr. Khodabandeh also explained the current situation of Rajavi’s Cult, the measures of violation of human rights in the cult,..The members of this delegation asserted the cult-like nature of MKO/PMOI/MEK declaring that the European authorities are well aware of the disgusted image of the group all over the world.

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