In the court session a person called Leila Jaza’eri from England was called by the MKO advocate as a witness. Here we give some details about her background. A’zam Farahani Mullah-Hassani Kohneh, who has now changed her name to Leila Jaza’eri is an active supporter of the proscribed terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation of Iran (MKO) in London. In the early 80s she married another supporter of the MKO
The meeting began with the speeches of Mr. Ebrahim Khodabande, a former political activist of MKO in England. He described the studies made on cults during years, stressing that all the cults have the same nature in brainwashing and psychologically manipulating of the members, forcing them to divorce, separating the children from their parents.
leading their activities inside Iran from that country. Once the French government imposed some limitations on their activities including leading terrorism in Iran from Paris, they moved their headquarters to Iraq. The grounds for this move had been prepared previously and the MKO armed forces were already present in Iraq and they were involved in military activities against Iran. The presence of Massoud Rajavi in Iraq did lead to a close relationship between the MKO and the Iraqi former government
the visitors, describing the troubles and obstacles MKO created against those who want to meet their family members in Camp Ashraf, stressed that they are willing to meet them in Bagdad ,out of the organizational atmosphere of MKO, without any intermediate ,for at least three days. The other problem presented in the meeting was that of defectors who left the organization or will leave it in the future
The seven members of the delegation each represented a British Moslem establishment which totally covers a good deal of Moslem community in Britain. After the members of delegation heard the report of the MKO activities they emphasised that they are aware of the ideas and actions of the MKO and their so-called”Ideological Revolution”and find them contrary to the Islamic teachings.
the MKO became forced to confirm the news and contrary to their usual process, they didn’t hold any ceremony for his death and tried to make every thing forgotten. A dear friend from America sent me an email and asked forget the issue and look for consoling my family. Time passed and we were going to forget Yaser until my mother asked me to go to Iraq and try to get news of Morteza and Musa. Finally I could come to Iraq in Feb 3rd, ..