blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Appeasing Corbett: MKO’s last resort

A few weeks after the mentioned challenges, the cult went on publishing an article written by Lord Corbette, the chairman of Labour Party. In the article, Corbette accused the British government of appeasing Iranian government since it has refused the ruling of POAC court, asking Straw to apologize to the cult and to dismiss the cult’s illegality. Corbette supported Maryam Rajavi writing that” she struggles for women’s right and a secular government in Iran!”

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Seminar on Releasing Captives of MKO Terrorist Cult

She described that giving high commanding positions to the women is a sham gesture taken by the MKO while the truth is that women are expected to work even harder than men and their emotions are also systematically suppressed more. She clarified that members are expected to dislike whoever they adored before particularly the members of their family. She also explained that all discontented members are labeled as being metal cases. Miss Dashti also referred to the high level of dissatisfaction amongst the forces inside the Ashraf Camp who find no way out.

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The EU keeps MKO on its terror list

…The document published the official Journal of the European Union on Dec 22nd included the list of persons, groups and entities referred to in Article 1 of the document. On page 113 of Legislation 340, you can consider Muajhedin-e-Khalq listed as a proscribed Organization by the EU …

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