blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

The Real Interpretation of the Ending Paragraph of Masud’s Last Message

after Rajavi realized that he ‘s forced to a locked cul-de-sac in Iraq and had no way out, he inquired his European partners ( who ,during the war ,had supported the group variously, for a decade) but they remind him explicitly that they couldn’t continue supporting a terrorist group any more. In order to open their locked situation the Europeans suggested some solutions of which if the MEK could have used successfully, the way would have been paved for the west to use MEK.

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An analytic view on Brainwashing phenomenon within cults

Coercion is defined as,”to restrain or constrain by force…”Legally it often implies the use of PHYSICAL FORCE or physical or legal threat. This traditional concept of coercion is far better understood than the technological concepts of”coercive persuasion”which are effective restraining, impairing, or compelling through the gradual application of PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES.

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EP Delegation to Iran visits Nejat Society

Members of the delegation also expressed their regret about the presence of Mrayam Rajavi in the European Parliament and emphasised the fact that these people like all cults do not expose their real identity and try to deceive people to reach their own goals. In the end Ms Beer thanked the Nejat Society for providing them with good information about the MKO.

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Brainwashing: Crime against Humanity

..he has been studying about cults and their common techniques of thought reforms since he left the organisation in 2003 and returned to Iran. He went into details of the process used by the MKO and many other cults to manipulate their members using psychological methods in order to recruit, preserve and control their followers.

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