blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Mujahedin Treachery

Meeting between Abbas Davari; Head of the MKO Central Committee and officials from Saddam Hussein’s Secret Intelligence Service (IIS, Mukhaberat). During the Iran-Iraq conflict of 1980-1988, the MKO would spy on the Iranian army and deliver their information to the Iraqis, in exchange of funds and military equipments.

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“take the Kurds under your tanks”;Maryam Rajavi

The MEK’s relationship with the former Iraqi regime continued through the 1990s. In 1991, the group reportedly assisted in the Iraqi Republican Guard’s bloody crackdown on Iraqi Shia and Kurds who rose up against Saddam Hussein’s regime. Press reports cite MEK leader Maryam Rajavi encouraging MEK members to”take the Kurds under your tanks”..

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Cult-like characteristics

In addition to its terrorist credentials, the MEK has also displayed cult-like characteristics. Upon entry into the group, new members are indoctrinated in MEK ideology and revisionist Iranian history. Members are also required to undertake a vow of”eternal divorce”and participate in weekly”ideological cleansings”. children are reportedly separated from parents at a young age.

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Brainwash in Mujahedin Cult

In addition to its terrorist credentials, the MEK has also displayed cult-like characteristics. Upon entry into the group, new members are indoctrinated in MEK ideology and revisionist Iranian history.

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