blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

A Case Study of the Terrorist Cult of Mojahedin-e Khalq (2)

The original meaning of the term cult, derived from the French word”culte”, comes from Latin noun”cultus”which is related to the Latin verb”colere”meaning”to worship or give reverence to a deity”. The term has originally a positive, religious connotation but in recent years, it has turned to be a widely used popular term,

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The Arranged Ideological Revolutions (1)

There are some cases in which cult formation has not been predetermined and leaders were to bring about religious and social reforms. However, as a result of inferring new ideologies, they have separated themselves from others thus forming a cult faced with opposed ideologies on the part of the society.

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Morphology of Terrorism, Cult, and Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (part 5)

Psychological strategies used for justifying people such as the length of organizational sessions, debriefing strategies and mental control, duality of extra and intra relations, humiliating members, cutting emotional relations with relatives, determining the relation of members with others, and their family in particular!nternal controlling system of MKO in contrast with traditional cultist system focuses on some complex and unbelievable dimensions.

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Morphology of Terrorism, Cult, and Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (part 4)

After ideological revolution in MKO, leadership was considered as the zenith of the organization that, emphasized in inter-organizational meetings, had to be obeyed blindly and whose superiority could never be questioned. Such a leader is only accountable to God. In other words, he is regarded as the vicegerent of God. Mahdi Abrishamchi describes the position of leader as follows:

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