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Two defectors of Rajavis’ Cult returned home

Two defectors of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, by cooperation of IRC returned to their homeland on Wednesday afternoon.Khosro Eslamizade and Mehdi Shahkarami by more than 20 years of cooperation with MEK defected the Mujahedin due to the leaders’ inhuman behavior and their abuse of the members’ primary personal and social rights . ..

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Morvarid (pearl) is the name of a chain of mountains in a frontier region in Kermanshah province of Iran and Kurdistan of Iraq, where suppressing operation and massacre of Kurds took place.”Morvarid Operation”is a given name by Rajavi’s cult.
An American journal wrote:”the only and main invasion of NLA during the last six years happened in 1991 right in the aftermath of Gulf War while Saddam Hussein ordered Rajavi to help him with suppressing Kurds’ uprising in the north of Iraq.”

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The statement of Nejat Society relating the execution of former Iraqi dictator

It is worth mentioning that Saddam Hussein or Iraq was known as the only state supporter of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), and for nearly two decades the Organisation enjoyed his full financial and logistical backing in that country. The truth is that Saddam Hussein the former dictator of Iraq and Mas’ud Rajavi the leader of MKO committed many crimes in a strategic collusion …

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