blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Nejat Society Letter to The Court of First Instance

Several members of MKO have left their families and relatives many years ago to join the MKO ranks with the hope of bringing prosperity and welfare to the Iranians. But on the contrary they were themselves caught up with a dreadful cult that managed to control their minds and lives all together through the years in the boundaries of Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

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Nejat Society letter to Mr Richard K. Armey

to require your consideration on a matter concerning your latest involvement in the US foreign policy towards Iran. Initially it is worth mentioning that Nejat Society consists of those defected members of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organisation, and find themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members who are still mentally or even physically captive inside the Organisation.

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Nejat society Letter to The Honourable President of the Republic of Iraq

Nejat Society deeply believes that being committed to find democratic conducts to assist those under the rule of terrorist cult groups such as MKO is a sacred and humanitarian responsibility. Fortunately you are well acquainted with the MKO and its deeds particularly against the Kurdish people. No one can deny the very fact that MKO did actually assist Saddam’s army to suppress Kurds in 1991.

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Nejat Families meet IRC representatives in Shiraz

During the meeting the families asked the IRC’s delegation to assist them to visit their children captured in Camp Ashraf and have phone calls with them.At the end, Mr. Anderson the assistant of IRC promised the members of Nejat Society that according to Human Freedom Charter reminds the primary human rights to American officials in Iraq

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