blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Briefing periodical of Nejat Society

We are aiming to publish this newsletter at least quarterly, or even monthly, so that it is considered a consistent source of information on our intended subject. You will look forward to its arrival. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any queries or opinions. We would be absolutely delighted to respond to your e-mails and communications. The word “ Nejat ” in Farsi literally means “ salvation ” , or “ rescue ” . The Nejat Society consists of those defected members of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organization (MKO) who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organization, and consider themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members who are still mentally or even physically captive inside the Organization.

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Nejat Association Interview in Paris

Amin was recruited by the MKO while a student in Austria and trained in its terrorist camps in Iraq. He carried out over 10 terrorist operations in Iran before being arrested by the Iranian security forces. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment in Evin prison. He served 5 years and was released after serving half his sentence.

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Memorial of Yaser Akbari Nasab

Yaser, whose numerous requests for leaving the camp/organization have been ignored, finally committed suicide by setting himself on fire sometimes in August 2006. When the MKO officially announced the incident on September 11, 2006, after over a month delay, they claimed that Yaser took his own life in protest to the conditions caused by the U.S. control of the Ashraf.

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