blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Kim Howells’ comments on MEK during the last 3 months

The Mojahadin-e Khalq was proscribed in the UK in March 2001.
My right hon. Friend the then Home Secretary decided to proscribe this group because it met the criteria under the terrorism legislation. This decision was endorsed by Parliament.
The list of proscribed organisations is kept under constant review. Under section 4(2) of the Terrorism Act 2000 an organisation or affected person may apply to the Home Secretary for an organisation to be deproscribed

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Report on delivery ceremony of Mrs.Marzieh Qorsi

Mrs. Marzieh Qorsi, nicknamed Arezoo who after years of tolerating challenges and unbelievable mental pressure separated from Rajavi’s terror cult and returned to Iran, through an impressing and exciting ceremony and with the presence of a large number of her relatives at the office of Oroumieh Nejat Society, was delivered to her parents.

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Marzieh Qorsi visits her beloved son

Mrs. Marzieh Qorsi returned home and after a longtime of separation from her beloved son, saw him, embraced him warmly with tearful eyes.
Nejat Society congratulates these mother and child on their visit after years and invites the visitors of the site to watch this graceful, impressing clip.

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Nejat Society Letter to the President Jalal Talibani

It is proper that the current state decides definitely to expel this terrorist cult out of Iraqi territory and makes the deceived members of the cult return their homeland, Iran, and join their families .Also it is fair to try the leaders of the terrorist cult Mujahedin Khalq in Iraqi courts along with Saddam Hussein and punish them on their anti human crimes.

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Two more repatriated

Two more members of Rajavi’s Cult, who had cooperated with the organization for a long time, declared their separation from the cult and sought asylum in American camp. Therefore, on Tuesday, May 3rd,2006 at 4 pm they could arrive Mehr Abad airport by the help of International Red Cross and Iranian Red Crescent and join their families.

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Another MKO Member Leaves Detention

We were informed that Marzieh Ghorsi (also known as Arezou), after years of forced staying in Camp Ashraf, has left the cult of Rajavi and is now living in US-run camp; according to her parents, she has called her parents from American camp and her parents are very happy.

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Nejat Society’s Announcement NO.1

Thousands of documents found after the fall of Saddam, denounce that the Liberation Army and military Operations of MKO in Iraq, were just a cover on the intelligence and espionage role of MKO; the documents show that the principal power of MKO was lead along with the objectives of Iraqi Dictator and Liberation Army was gathered in a camp just as noses to justify their presence in Iraq.

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