blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

MKO, Lackey of Saddam

“There are many questions for Iraqi people regarding the measures taken by the government to fight violence and terrorism. For instance, was it out of mercy to free thousands of criminals and murderers from prison? Or was it planned in order to execute the plans of Saddamist against the Iraq’s resistant people? Is leaving thousands of explosives and weapons in AlGha’Gha something out of ignorance? Where are thousands of Saddam’s fedayeen and spies, who were pillars of his regime? Why isn’t there any comment on Saddam’s Fedayeen, Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran and pro-Saddam Palestinians? And who’s this Zarqawi?”

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The names of the returnees

When the two defectors arrived Iran, through an interview declared that a large number of members in the cult are seeking a way to escape from the camp and separate from Rajavi’s cult since the depression atmosphere and suffering treatment rule the camp.

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False Letters

I myself am a former member of Rajavi’s cult and I am familiar with some families of whom some members were fighting for Mujahedin and now are separated or are still staying in Camp Ashraf or other countries with the MKO. As a person who has separated from the cult, I have to say that I and the families I khow haven’t received such letters at all.

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MKO members’ families call for their children release

we declare that our children are captured in camp ASHRAF in IRAQ and are under pressure by the terrorist group MOJAHEDIN KHALG
We would like to request international communities and IRAQ government to make the leaders of group leave their country and give a chance of freedom to our children. We also ask Iranian authorities to offer amnesty to the captured members of MKO,as before so that we could return our children home easily.”

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Names of recently repatriated members

following the return report of four MKO defectors having escaped from Camp Ashraf and joined American camp and returned to their homeland by cooperation of IRC on Jan.14, 2006 here we present the names:
Sajad Afsary – Osman Aminie – Nasir Heidary – Jaber Majdmiyan

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Four defectors of Rajavi’s cult repatriated

Four defectors of MKO, who were under pressure since long ago, could escape from Camp Ashraf and join American camp. After a while, by cooperation of IRC they returned to their homeland and welcomed on Jan.14, 2006 at 2 p.m.
All the returnees declared that the depression and disappointing atmosphere in Rajavi’s cult leads every member to escape. A large number of members willing to return to Iran, will return in near future.

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