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I never forget that he opened my letter, which I had written for my 6-year-old girl, and never posted it to Iran.I never forget that they deceived me on the issue of bringing you to Camp Ashraf. They had brought you there but didn’t allow me to know that. However, they had to inform me because they knew that I will meet you on my way to Iran for conducting operation. We had not heard of each other for 4 years and they let us meet only for 40 minutes, under the supervision of high-ranking officials.

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Interview Alen Cheuvalrias with Dr. Mahmoud

In 1980, while I was studying medicine in AncÔne, Italy. Therefore, I joined the Iranian youth supporting Islamic Revolution against Shah. I established some relations with Mujahedin Khalq since they were the only movement making news in Iran’s political scene…At first I sold Mujahedin’s publications to Iranians who lived in AncÔne . Then they took the collected money. Since I could speak Italian fluently, they sent me to diplomatic committee in Rome, in 1984. We were settled in “Nomentania” which was not far from Iranian and Libyan embassies.

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Families organize petition

In a meeting held [with the assistance of Nejat Society] in Eastern Azerbaijan province on September 28, two defectors of MKO joined their families. In the event, a number of MKO members’ families signed a petition addressing Red Cross office in Tehran, Iraq and Switzerland embassies in Tehran and asked for direct meeting with their loved ones held in MKO’s camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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…According to journal”Mojahed”of June 1979, it was Yasser Arafat who initially put the MKO in touch with the Soviet Union. Therefore when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the people’s Mojahedin were at front to praise the Soviet Union.
During the 1970`s the Mojahedin assassinated at least six Americans in Iran. The PMOI also engaged in other violent operations, including bombings, assassination of Iranian civilians or officials, attack to Israel offices in Tehran, as well as bank or jewelry robberies in order to finance their activities. …

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13 MKO defectors repatriated

most of these members were in Rajavi’s cult for 18 to 20 years who are separated from it due to threat, torture … in Rajavi’s cult and introduced themselves to TRC.
This indicates the disappointment and depressive atmosphere in Camp Ashraf- Iraq.

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The list of the returnees to Iran

following the return news of 13 defectors of Rajavi’s cult who were settled in American camps, it is declared that these members with cooperation of Red Cross on a private flight of that organization via Mehr Abad Airport repatriated and joined their families.

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Return of some MKO Defectors

13 former members have returned to Iran by the cooperation of Islamic Republic, Red Crescent, International Red Cross and other officials.
Earlier, hundreds of other members of MKO who’d left the group’s camp in Iraq returned to the country.

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