blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Nejat Bloggers

Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Banisadr- (Part two)

..Masud, definitely. He is the leader and Maryam the commander-in-chief. They’re a political couple just like”Mao Tse-Tang”and”Chou En- Lia”. He told that Ayatollah Khomeini has divested him of a power that was legally his. He considered himself as Imam. Perhaps, that very”Imam Zaman”. According to our religious laws,”Imam Zaman”or our twelfth Imam who became absent in 873, should return before the ending of the world to bring peace to the world. …

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MKO Documents Should Be Dumped

Ms. Lucy Smith, member of UN Commission for the rights of the child, stressed that most of MKO’s documents on Iran should be dumped…..Highlighting the main items of”Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child”, she pointed to the victims of MKO’s terror and violence and said:”Last year, I met a number of families of such victims and I was really affected.”

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Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Mr.Masoud Khodabande- Part Two

It’s more than an event, I remember the way Masud separated children from their parents, the first separations contained forced divorces, the children became teams, the younger ones stayed in the organization and were grown by babysitters. Relation with parents had been nearly cut. In 1991 during the first Gulf War, Masud Rajavi abused the situation and sent all the children out of Iraq territory.

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Alen Cheuvalrias interviewed Mr. Banisadr- Part one

A day after the June 28th bombing at Islamic Republic Party, Masud Rajavi’s men returned to me. I told them that I wanted to write a statement to reveal this terrorist action. They assured me that they had no interference in this one. …Before leaving Iran, we signed a contract. It was based on three principals: political pluralism, individuals’ liberty and national independence. I had presented detailed explanation for each of these principals..

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