blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Omid Pouya

MKO’s Shift in Terrorist Modus Operandi

.. today the global consensus on the issue of fight against terrorism has forced many terrorist groups to withdraw from violence, go to isolation, temporary cease armed activities ..the question is that how can such an organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] that is struggling hard to be removed from the terrorist blacklists play a double standard of both maintaining its terrorist and militarist potentialities and portray a counter-terrorist in its political and propaganda profile? For sure there are concrete evidences to prove such a hypocritical behavior..

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Voice of America interviewing a terrorist

… VOA in its programs,broadcasted in Persian, has always insisted that its doors are open to all organizations and legal entities as well as … But the right is followed with a proviso that none of the terrorist groups and entities are permitted to avail themselves of such right as it might lead to an act of propaganda in their favor. Despite such a claim, so reasonable and sound decision as it seems, VOA is itself the first to violate the set standard and the rule, as an organization that presents the US government …

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The courageous that need encouragement

… But how can they be called humans and protectors of the human rights and freedom those who see these scenes and are deaf to the purest humane demands. The organization’s advocates have raised concern about the US departure from the area and the camp and that, it might lead to a humanitarian catastrophe….

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No one is to open the gates of Ashraf from the within

… BBC report starts with a sight of a big lock on the gate of Ashraf and the starting point of the text is “No one is to open the doors; all cries are uttered in vain”. Then the father of an Ashraf resident tells the reporter “It is for 22 years that I’ve received no letter of my son”. Some MKO members managing to escape from Ashraf are quoted as saying “Mojahedin high rankings prevent members to leave camp by means of intimidation, threat, and coercive measures”…

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On Mojahedin Khalq cultic and deterrent measures

… The main point is the indirect presence of Rajavi in the sessions. Though his physical absence may have some negative consequences, even his indirect presence may double the mental and psychological upshots therein. Another point is how Rajavi develops his relationship with MKO/MEK/PMOI members …

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Rajavi, the narcissist leader

… There are interesting points focusing on Rajavi’s narcissism by his own words. In his message, he attempts to promote himself to the highest possible point where he makes a relation of any kind between himself and the contemporary historical events of Iran. Surprisingly enough, he makes an astonishing claim …

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Rajavi’s hypocrisy regarding recognized campaigners of Iran

Rajavi has sought refuge in historical, popular, and revolutionary figures of Iranian history to justify his anti-national activities during years of his so-called revolutionary struggle. In other words, he misuses the repute of the distinguished Iranian freedom fighters as well as the leaders of social revolutions, particularly in the recent century, like Sattar Khan, Baqir Khan and Modarres to cover up his political scandals..

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Rajavi admits returning to a Zero point

During the last three decades, Rajavi never consented to be in such a full retreat. It has its roots in his pathological delusion and simplistic political views. He is not aware of the fact that all his challenges are not due to his wrong and cursory decision makings yet his ignorance of the internal conditions of Iran and the public view that is the main challenge met by MKO. ..

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Mojahedin Khalq, Woman and Freedom

.. Perhaps, they can never imagine that behind the laughing and friendly visage of Maryam Rajavi as well as her popular slogans on the women rights, there is a monster who looks at human, and women in particular, as crones for misleading others. They may never believe that Rajavi regards woman as an obsession … Unfortunately, the westerners usually resort to what is stated overtly rather than what is done covertly by Mojahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI

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Mojahedin in support of Rigi

The MKO as well as its official sites and media have supported Rigi openly calling him the leader of a democratic movement and now after a while, entrusted their covering sites and sub organizations with the task. In this regard, the sites of “Didgah” and “Aftabkaran” are representing the position takings and viewpoints of the organization toward Rigi’s arrest.

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