blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Pars Iran

Grinches among Canadian politician

If you care about humanity and human rights then why you do not try to transfer some of the younger Mojahedin who are willing to leave Ashraf , to Canada instead of demanding a legitimate government such as Iraq to keep the Mojahedin who were part of Sadam Hussein ‘s brutal security services.

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Awareness to Canadian on MKO attacks

The violence action in Paris on June 17, 2007, was orchestrated by Mr. Mohammad Hayati who is a top aide to Mr. and Mrs. Rajavi, who recently left MKO Military base in Iraq , Ashraf , Mr. Mohammad Hayati was one of the top commander of National Liberation Army who are responsible for many human tragedy during Iraq and Iran war .

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The Terrorists Swearing an Oath to Democracy

For years MEK had launched cross-border attacks and terrorist acts against Iran with the support of Saddam Hussein. Officially designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department in 1997, and disarmed of heavy weaponry by the U.S. military six years later, Washington has since come to view MEK in a different light……Accusing MEK of past involvement in repressive measures by former president Saddam Hussein, the current Iraqi government wants to close down Camp Ashraf, located well outside of Baghdad, where many of the MEK fighters are stationed. But the camp operates under the protection of the U.S. military, and American soldiers chauffeur MEK leaders.

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The MEK’s solidarity with a fallen dictator

The execution of dictator of Iraq was greatly welcomed by the majority of the people in the Middle East, particularly by Iraqis, Kurds and Shia and some Sunnis such as Turkmen that had suffered mostly under the Saddam’ Regime.There was joy among Iranians and Kuwaitis whose countries were destroyed by Saddam when he attacked Iran in 1980 and Invaded Kuwait in 1991.

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Open Letter to Mr Richard K, Armey about MEK

We are especially shocked to hear that you and some U.S. Senators are offering their support to MEK in the hope of using them as the instrument of change in Iran . In doing so, you are being completely indifferent to the past history of this organization as a terrorist group with a long trail of violence and militant actions even against its own members…

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Open Letter to the Head Office of the Pentagon

In our opinion you are well aware of the 1994 State Department report which describes this organization as a terrorist group. The leadership of MEK, the Rajavis, ignored the report at the time since they were being supported and financed by the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and the MEK had total reliance on him. However, after the collapse of the despot they have tried to find a new ally, this time in the West, yet their main obstacle has remained

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Letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister

for over twenty-five years the Mojahedin-e- Khalq had a tight relationship with the former dictatorship of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and they not only betrayed Iranians but also your nation of Iraqi as well. There is plentiful evidence to show and affirm that in 1991, the Mojahedin stood side by side with Saddam’s forces in suppression of the Kurdish population in the north and the Shiite population in the south of Iraq.

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Open Letter to U.S. Ambassador in Canada

some of the Mojahedin-e- Khalq’s members enter into U.S. illegally by using fake identification. The MEK also perform this protest gathering under different names titles for their deceiving political activity protection such as: The National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA) . The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) ….

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