blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Press TV

Iraqi CMTE urges seizing Camp Ashraf

… The committee announced in a statement that the numerous crimes committed by the terrorist group should be investigated through legal channels. Addressing the elders of nomadic tribes, the representatives of NGOs and anti-MKO campaigners, the committee reiterated that it will voluntarily and without being forced by the government follow the crimes committed at the hands of MKO terrorists. The committee emphasized that it will stand up for the rights of not only the martyrs but also all the individuals wounded or maimed as a result of MKO’s terrorist acts, adding that it will file a lawsuit to.. .

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Iran MP slams West support for MKO

Such blatant support for terrorist organizations and groups is in contradiction with the West’s humanitarian claims,” the head of the Parliament (Majlis) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said on Sunday…The Iraq-based group is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community and is responsible for numerous acts of violence against Iranian civilians and government officials.

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Pre planned Assassination by MKO terrorists

… Jalleh, a Tehran University student, was assassinated by members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), during an illegal rally in the Iranian capital on February 14. The intelligence minister further pointed out that Jalleh’s assassination was part of a pre-planned scheme by the MKO, adding “they had identified their victim in advance and had planned to assassinate him…

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Iraqis continue to protest Mojahedin Khalq camp

… Iraqis describe the MKO’s presence in their country as a chronic disease. Some important figures turned out for the protest including tribal leaders, clerics and local government officials. Protesters shouted,”leave our country”, and carried placards with anti-MKO slogans to express their intolerance towards the presence of a terrorist group that they say has caused so much trouble in their country. The tribal leaders want the government to respect public demands and expel the MKO once and for all…

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Iran lawmaker: West sponsors terrorism

Today, you are seeking the extradition of a terrorist named Cesare Battisti from Brazil over the murder of four of your fellow countrymen 30 years ago. This is while the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group has martyred 14,000 of Iranians and yet you have removed it from your list of terrorist groups. This is an instance of sponsoring terrorism..

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Iraqi Council discusses MKO camp Ashraf

These people have come together to discuss the legality of the presence of the terrorist group of Mujahedin Khalgh Organization on their soil.In this gathering organized by the Iraqi Tribal Council, many Iraqi officials, tribal leaders and ordinary people voiced their support for the tribes that are calling for expulsion of the organization from their country.They also reminded the Iraqi policy makers of what they called the crimes committed by MKO against the Iraqi citizens ..

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US-sponsored STL President, a desperate lobbyist for MKO

President of the US-sponsored Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) Antonio Cassese had called for the US and Europe’s widespread support for the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group, a report says..The MKO is especially notorious in Iran for having sided with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war on Iran.It has also claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks and the assassination of significant figures..

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Iraqi protesters in front of Camp Ashraf

..The protesters who had come from Basra, Tekrit, Baghdad and Diyala called for the expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq whose presence they said was a source of instability ..The Iranian relatives of some MKO members also joined the protesters, to ask for the release of their family members who are said to be held inside the camp against their will. According to a Human Rights Watch report, the group puts defectors under torture or in jail.

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Iraqi protesters demand MKO expulsion

Iraqi protesters in the north of the country have called for the expulsion of anti-Iranian terrorist group Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from Iraq. Scores of protesters gathered outside Camp Ashraf in Diyala on Friday and called for the expulsion of the notorious MKO terrorists from the country, a Press TV correspondent reported. MKO members responded by throwing rocks at the demonstrators.

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MKO terrorists clearly connected to CIA and MOSSAD

… The Mojahedin Khalq or MKO, which is a terrorist organization despite the attempts of many in the American government and in the European Union to say it is not, has been doing a series of things in your country in conjunction with this Jundollah group, which is absolutely reprehensible and frankly, as Mr. Giraldi, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Paul Craig Roberts have been covering these things. It becomes clear that there is an American and Israeli intelligence connection to the MKO ..

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