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Iraq says MKO behind violence

A senior Iraqi prosecutor has said there is evidence to suggest the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization is involved in the ongoing violence in Iraq. “The Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court has been provided with documents on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s (MKO) crimes against the people in southern Iraq and the people of Tuz Khormato in the south of Kirkuk,”

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West’s duplicity in war on terror

The MKO were also supported by several western countries while launching their terrorist attacks inside and outside of Iran. “These double standards are at odds with the UN resolutions. The best way to ensure we are on the right path is to take all the measures to combat terrorism in the UN paradigm,”Soltanieh said.

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MKO trains Al Qaeda in Iraq

MKO’s military facilities, backed by US army, are currently used as safe training camps for hundreds of Al Qaeda terrorists preparing themselves for attacks which have claimed thousands of civilian lives after the US-led invasion of the country in 2003, IRNA reported.

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U.S. financially supports Iranian opposition

The U.S. daily Washington Prism has reported that the United States is officially funding terrorist organizations opposed to the government in Iran. Reese Elrich of the Washington Prism and author of the book “Target Iraq”, who recently visited Iran and the Kurdish regions in northern Iraq, reports on the U.S. government’s financial support for armed groups.

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Daily: MKO opens office in Amman

The MKO anti-Iranian terrorist outfit (Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization) has opened an office in the Jordanian capital of Amman, the Iraqi daily al-Bayyinah reported on Sunday. The Jordanian government has agreed to develop security cooperation with MKO members upon the request of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the daily quoted informed Iraqi security sources as saying.

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