blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Rostam Pourzal

Neocons Find New Exile Group Patsies to Push War with Iran

Fewer people are aware that similar groups from other Middle Eastern countries frequent the halls of Congress and editorial board rooms carrying their frightening ghost-written books with guidance from pro-war think tanks. The organized challenge against the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) summary on Iran this month included such a group, which for years cried wolf about Iran.

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Getting Legality by Deception

On May 26, 2006, a representative of the violent Iranian fugitives based in Iraq, known as MKO, addressed a forum “ an anti-war forum “ …In Iran, where the militia has been known since its inception in 1965 as Mojahedin, or jihadists, MKO lost all credibility after it became a proxy of Iran’s archenemy, Saddam Hussein, in 1986. Anne Singleton, a former insider and now an advocate for penitent MKO activists in Europe, has labeled the militia”Saddam’s private army”in her book-length memoirs by the same title.

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Fanatic Friends, MKO tricks US progressives, gains legitimacy

a representative of the violent Iranian fugitives based in Iraq, known as MKO, addressed a forum – an anti-war forum – sponsored by the liberal Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley, California, as he had done the year before. Introduced as Ali Mirardal, the speaker lamented human rights abuses in Iran and offered the National Council of Resistance, a Paris-based front group for MKO, as the best hope for a democratic Iran.

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