blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Sattar Orangi

A New Version of the US Policy

The US follows a new version of policy by delisting the convicted murderers of Americans..Some believe that the lobbying effort by current and former US officials led to the removal of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI from the State Department FTO. Others say it was a result of huge sums of spent money and another party affirms it was a decision to clear legal obstacles in the way of overtly arming..

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The Blood Stained Hands of a Terrorist Group ;MEK

In spite of MKO’s widespread terrorist operations of bombing and assassination inside Iran and its later out-of-the-border organized hit and run operations perpetrated in the last three decades as well as its broadly launched military operation like that of the Eternal Light, it seems that the organization has never been considered a serious threat for the Iranian regime…

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The Scandal Breaker Involved in Scandal

For sure, Mr. Bernstein is not a naïve journalist. Then, he is either on the side of terrorists or has reached a new definition for “truth” and “human rights”. He should be reminded of the group’s merciless killings without sparing, the terrorists who in their proclaimed violent struggle killed the scores of hundreds and who for the blood of its leaders let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie…

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MKO Mounting Offensive in Defiance of Rules

The circumstantial evidences indicate MKO is not reluctant to prepare the stage for a third round of violent confrontation. Again we are hearing words that another human tragedy is possibly unfolding in Ashraf or Liberty and that, no effort has to be spared to avert and prevent it. The Iraqi government has never stated that it intends to use force to close Ashraf ..

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The Reason behind Lining in Support of MKO

MKO aka MEK/PMOI was one among many pinpointed causes to justify the invasion of Iraq by America and its allies. Recognizing Saddam as a sponsor of terrorist groups and harboring them in Iraq, the White House in its statement Saddam Hussein’s Support for International Terrorism asserted that “Iraq shelters terrorist groups including the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), which has used terrorist violence …

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MKO Fails to Win the Global Trust

highlighted remarks indicate that Mr. Page was either badly misinformed or was following footsteps of already misled officials and politicians whose views were also based on misinformation. Page’s words are just the very same principles MKO has been trying to fabricate in its disinformation campaign over the last decade,..

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Glorification of An Undemocratic Start

It is now three decades when the mass demonstrations of Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK shook Tehran and many other Iranian provincial towns on 20 June 1981. The outcome was Mojahedin’s declaring a ruthless armed warfare against the newly born regime of Islamic Republic the day after. The day marks a turning point in group’s terrorist pedigree …

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Delisting MKO Terrorists for Humanitarian Causes!

Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/MKI/PMOI strategy of armed warfare that constitutes its organizational infrastructure from its very formation has confronted the organization with a new challenge in spite of its widespread propaganda to convince the West it has made revisions. But it seems that MKO …

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MKO Facing a Dilemma in Iraq

The problem with Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK is that it defines any made gesture of humanitarian, goodwill or sympathy towards it as a granted statutory right that has to be recognized and fought for universally. The relationship between the group’s American advocates and the leadership…

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Why Should We Be Concerned about MKO?

as the affluence of MKO’s advocates for delisting a designated terrorist group overweight those calling for a united front to combat the threats of terrorism, as there is no united effort to overcome terrorism and eliminate its widespread safe havens and sanctuaries, then for the pleasure of the group and to avoid the consequence of its warnings …

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