blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Sattar Orangi

The Moving Spirit of An Ideological Cult

The insistence of Massoud Rajavi, the ideological leader of MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorist cult, on clearly defining his animus struggle against the Iranian regime as an ideological war is an indication of strongly moving on the path of an obsessive ideological cult. In fact, MKO’s alleged terrorist operations and plots against Iranian people..

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MKO’s Dollars Challenging “Material Support”

The gravy train on which some prominent Americans rode seems to be perforce halted in an outstation. The US Treasury Department appears to have begun an inquiry to see whether the speaking fees paid by Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO to its American advocates who have spoken on its behalf are illegal. In an earlier report by The Washington Times, Edward G. Rendell, the former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania ..

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A Message Addressed to Terrorists

The truth is that, despite claims of MKO aka MEK/PMOI that its first designation was the outcome of a political decision, Americans know well that even if it was a politically-purposeful decision, it was not actually a wrong decision. But it should be reminded that America’s first serious stance against MKO goes back to years before 1997, when the State Department prepared a special and unclassified report on MKO at the request of the US Congress.

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Dining with MKO Terrorists

Sitting alongside a number of European and American personalities, whose countries allegedly bear the flag of a global war against terrorism, you can see the leader of a designated terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] in a conference held in the European Parliament in Brussels on February 7. Of course, all personalities present in the conference, either those occupying an official post or formers, knew well whom they were in her presence, Maryam Rajavi..

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A Symposium to Betray Democracy

… We do not know if those in the symposium were paid well or had a mission to accomplish, but they, for sure, and we know that the great challenge the world faces today is terrorism and Mojahedin has so far failed to prove any commitment to democracy. Consider that Obama’s Administration put trust in Tom Ridge’s urge to “delist MKO and show the world the United States is committed to its own values of freedom”. But, can he guarantee that MKO will also dedicate itself to democratic avenues that contradict its ideologically leftist inclination? …

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No Court’s Ruling Helps MKO Evade Terrorist Charges

… On re-designation of MKO as a FTO, the State Department’s Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism in its April 30, 2009 report once more asserted MKO’s terrorist activities done against America: “The group’s worldwide campaign against the Iranian government uses propaganda and terrorism to achieve its objectives and has been supported by reprehensible regimes, including that of Saddam Hussein. During the 1970s, the MEK[MKO/PMOI] assassinated several U.S. military personnel and U.S. civilians …

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Families need assistance to stop victimization of their children

… The families’ persistence appears to have had its effects on the residents as well. What the organization and its advocates call a Psychological warfare employed against MKO/MEK/PMOI sounds to have acted as a waking bell that has already frustrated the overriding cult influences that has developed a family-phobia in members. The increased number of escapes since the settlement of the families indicates …

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Diverse attitudes of MKO terrorist cult

Looking at a nearly two decade-long history of collaboration between a dictator and a terrorist accomplice, it is not hard to speculate about the reasons for MKO’s falling out with the post-Saddam Iraqi Government. From its very first days of escape from Iran and its settlement in France, the organization and Saddam felt close affinity and there started a covert collaboration between the two and MKO willingly began to accept Saddam’s donations …

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A hostile attitude against any legal decision on MKO

For sure, there is no ambiguity in the case of Mojahedin Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI; it is a proven terrorist organization and has to leave the country that is determined to remove the last remnants of a notorious dictator whose adherents are still embroiling the country in disorder and civil war that is taking many lives every day … the US has taken the right side since the organization has recently warned about any attempt to force its insiders from Ashraf ..

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The UN monitors the situation in Ashraf

Despite of attempts to demonize the Iraqi government to show a strong objection to the decisive decision of its expulsion from Iraq, Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI) seems not to be intelligent enough to realize that it fails to dupe all the world as it has done with its own insiders. There are those who may be misled by its propaganda blitz that the Iraqi government has packed a number of innocent people inside an isolated camp just in the middle of a scorched desert ..

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