blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Sattar Orangi

The enslaved in Ashraf have the right to live free

The predicament of these insiders, who under the hollow slogans of being the pioneers and heroines of freedom and democracy[of MKO/MEK/PMOI] suffer crushing physical and psychological pressures, is even worse than those enslaved in the outside world. They are under severe physical and psychological cult bounds of the organization and deprived of free will, thought, and as we have recently witnessed, forced onto the frontline of defenders of Ashraf to confront the entrance of the Iraqi police into the camp.

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Rajavi-Rigi, a stereotypical image of terrorist alliance

The statements of Rigi at a time when MKO insists to remove its name form the terrorist list of the US State Department indicates that Mojahedin are well aware of mechanisms and levers to play with westerners. They realize the fact that the process of making any decision in the global scene is a long one when time has a determining role in their future.

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Mujahedin and manipulation of religion

Ideology is a tool best utilized by Mojahedin leadership for the fulfillment of his political and cultic objectives and through which he has so far lured a remarkable amount of sympathizers. It has played a crucial role in the development of the organization up to now and has served a variety of historical, social, and political purposes. Mojahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI had well perceived that the emotional essence of religion rose out of spontaneous mass agitations and the collective passions these generated.

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Who care about the stronghold on the Oise

In spite of the fact that Camp Ashraf is recently the focus of the group’s propaganda and MKO strenuously attempts to attract all attentions to the presence of MKO/PMOI/MEK members therein, and that is just what the organization intended to pull off, the attention seems to have considerably fallen off the main stronghold in Auvers-Sur-Oise. .Making pillars of its first headquarters in Val d’Oise in France after the escape of its leading figures from Iran, MKO turned the district into a center of plotting terrorist operations ..

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Unwanted guests, Iraq’s controversial issue

As Mr. Mutlaq defines, these convicted members are the oppressed who need to be provided with help and support. Where the interests of the nation stand and who is responsible to defend themif they ever have any priority, is a question that none of the likes of Mr. Mutlaq can ever find a solution for. MKO might be a complex issue to deal with, but the Iraqi government has coped with it cleverly and will put an end to it whether its advocates like it or not.

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A Different Definition of Human Rights

… They have to explain for the public opinion that how is that some of their allies sent forces to Iraq to confront terrorism but discuss to exonerate a terrorist group settled there of the charges for which the Iraqi government is determined to expel them. Whose rights are really being violated; the victims or the victimizers? Who knows, maybe they have developed a different version of defining human rights! …

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Defenders who offend human rights

Even in the heart of the most developed and democratic countries you may encounter countless, daily reports of discrimination on the basis of race, religion and gender and other forms of human rights violations..the cult of Mojahedin/PMOI/MKO/MEK is still holding the members in the heavily guarded enclosed Camp of Ashraf where a matriarchal autocracy holds the control. It does not mean that the organization believes in the superiority of women or recognizes the rights of women; rather it is a cult technique

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Human beings or means of leverage

after the leaders of Mujahedin Khalq dislocated the group’s headquarters to Auvers-Sur-Oise in France and left the members to suffer forlorn of any hope to survive, is nearing its last days. Nobody seems to be worry about the destiny of about 3,500 human beings victimized under the totalistic rule of a cult of personality. ..Assuming a transfer of MEK members were possible, many questions remain regarding their destination. would be difficult for the European and U.S. governments, or Iraq’s Kurdish regional bloc, to accept the MEK/MKO en masse to their territories.

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Proceeding That Contradicts Assertions

..The existing gap in the laws grants terrorists the opportunity of propagating their violent policies just in the heart of the modern and democratic world…. Now we see he has taken the first step to make England a safe haven for MEK by bringing it out from the terror list. The move is encouraging other proscribed groups, and Al-Qaeda of course, to start defending their rights! I in my turn congratulate Prime Minister for his initiative measure …

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Camp Ashraf, the Micro Model of Future Iran!

Camp Ashraf is also known to be the ideological preserver of the organization and a micro society upon which it intends to build the future Iranian society. Thus, whatever the organization suggests for Iran has to have been already tested within its miniature model of promised utopia, Camp Ashraf. …

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