blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Solh Association

Post Bush US Foreign Policy

Anjomane Solh Norway participated in the Seminar “Post Bush US Foreign Policy” addressed by US prominent politician, Bill Richardson. Richardson spoke about different countries including Iran The Seminar was organized by NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs with collaboration of Ministry of Foreign Affair at Nobel Institute Oslo.Bill Richardson spoke about the Bush’s foreign policies and post Bush challenges including issues Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea and Russia and China. He said, government and President of USA would face challenges in the context of such countries but diplomacy is very important while dealing with the challenges.

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Rerepsentavie of Anjomane Solh in Oslo meets with Ms.Erika Man MEP

the representative of Anjomane Solh Norway along with his delegation met honourable member of European Parliament, Ms.Erika Man at the sideline of Peace Conference on South Asia recently held in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The purpose of the talks was to introduce the organization specially activities of the Anjoman with regard to human rights and secondly, explaining about disaffected people from Mojahedin …

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Solh (Peace) Association representative meets the Vice President of Norwegian Union of Journalist

at the sideline of the venue of the seminar arranged by Helsinki Committee here in Oslo. Mr.Ghasem Ghezi explained the critical situation of Iraq specially 120 disaffected people from the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MOK) in the country. He drew the attention of the vice president of NJ to the detail in the context and handed over a letter of Anjomane Solh in the context. Mr. Kjetel Haanes courteously received the letter and desire for further projection of the issue

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Humantarian issue of 120 disaffected members of Muhajedine Khalq in Iraq

According to the reports received in the last few days by Anjomane Solh, the Peace Association Norway, about 120 people of the disaffected people escaped from the TIPF in a extremely grave condition. Some of them might be remained in a terrible position in different cities of Iraq or some of them might be able to reach near with the borders of Jordan and Turkey to ease them from danger circumstances of Iraq .

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