blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Think Progress

Treasury MEK Probe Includes Two More

A Treasury Department probe cast a wider net than previously known, according to NBC News, to collect information on advocacy by multiple American former politicians and officials for a controversial exiled Iranian opposition group[MKO/MEK/PMOI]. Last Friday, the Washington Times broke the story that former Democratic Party leader and Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell’s speakers’ bureau received a subpoena..

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Romney on the MEK Last December: ‘I’m Not Familiar With That Group’

NBC News did a long report on the group’s ties to terror activity in Iran. And the Treasury Department recently announced that it is investigating payments to prominent former American government officials to speak in support of the MEK.Beyond the public attention, the Romney campaign has been engaged in the MEK/MKO/PMOI issue well before his professed ignorance in December. Romney may not have been aware of it, but …

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Right Wing Praises MKO For Conducting Acts Of Terrorism In Iran

the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an exiled Iranian opposition group designated a “foreign terrorist organization” by the State Department, conducted a series of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists. Former CIA official and visiting Georgetown professor Paul Pillar, citing the U.S. government’s definition of terrorism, observed that “with or without confirmation of details of this story, the assassinations are terrorism.” But numerous right-wing pundits ..

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Patrick Kennedy Paid $25K To Speak At Rally For Controversial Iranian MEK

Kennedy wouldn’t tell Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogin whether or not he was paid to speak at the rally to remove the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) from the State Department list of foreign terror organizations. But asked by ThinkProgress, Kennedy replied that he had been paid $25,000…The MEK has been on the U.S. list of terror groups since 1997, which prevents members from traveling to or raising funds in the U.S….

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Attendees Don’t Really Understand What The MEK Is

..many apparent non-Iranians came out as well, most wearing flags, headbands, and even yellow vests with images of the group’s leaders — Maryam and Massoud Rajavi — on the chest. Of this group, few seemed to have many details about the MEK, and instead pledged vague notions of support for human rights and democracy, often even getting the name of the MEK/MKO wrong…Some of the attendees had been bused and flown in at no personal cost, receiving transportation and in some cases lodging and meals.

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