Britons support PMOI in letter to Obama

Though largely targeting Iranian government officials, PMOI’s(MKO, MEK, Mojahedin Khalq, Rajavi cult) killing of American contractors in Tehran in the 1970s, participation alongside Saddam Hussein’s forces in suppressing Kurdish and Shiite rebellions in Iraq in 1991 and later attacks on Iranian embassies in 1992 earned it a spot on the terrorist lists of several nations … President Bill Clinton included the PMOI on the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list in 1997 following the election of Khatami.

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ACLU claims U.S. supported PMOI

Charges filed against Iranian dissidents for supporting a terrorist group based in Iraq are complicated by alleged U.S. military cooperation with that group. The U.S. Justice Department accepted guilty pleas Wednesday from six men and one woman for collecting funds for the People’s Mujahedin of Iran[PMOI/MKO/MEK], a group listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization.

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CIA recruiting PMOI members, reports say

United Arab Emirates, Media reports suggested Tuesday that officials from the United States and the United Arab Emirates are recruiting Iranian dissidents to spy on Iranians.. The reports said the CIA has brought PMOI members to Dubai from their Camp Ashraf enclave in Iraq’s Diyala province. The Nahrainnet report specifically mentioned the CIA is looking to the PMOI to serve as agents conducting espionage against the Iranian Embassy and its staff in Dubai.

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Washington may court moderates WITHIN Iran

The change in tone from Washington toward Tehran is complicated not only by historic acrimony but also by a complex relationship with Iranian opposition movements… the group’s image as a cult with a storied history of terrorist activity, both in Iran and across the globe, makes courting the opposition as a viable avenue for regime change in Iran tenuous at best. The PMOI and the NCRI are both listed by the United States as terrorist organizations for their links to violent opposition to the Iranian regime. President Bill Clinton in 1997 included the PMOI/mko/mek on the U.S. State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations

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Opposition a stick against Tehran?

It has been variously described as a cult . The People’s Mujahedeen is listed as a terrorist organization in Europe and the United States …. The U.S. military that bombed its Iraq-based armed wing two years ago now protects its camp north of Baghdad, where its members have been granted Geneva Convention refugee status…Critics argue that supporting the People’s Mujahedeen grants legitimacy to a disreputable organization, dogged by allegations of human rights abuses and undemocratic behavior

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Iranian ‘terror group’ divides Washington

The Mujahedin-e-Khalq organization, sometimes called the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, or PMOI, has been on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist groups since 1997 — even as it enjoys widespread support on Capitol Hill. In addition, the U.S. military has allowed the MeK to maintain an operational training facility in Iraq, said Gregg Sullivan, a State Department spokesman.

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Human Rights Watch: ‘We weren’t duped.’

Human Rights Watch reasserted claims of abuses by an Iranian dissident group Wednesday even after a report compiled by a European Parliament delegation denounced its initial report as”devoid of any truth.”… the global watchdog group published a report alleging serial abuses at Camp Ashraf, the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq headquarters, six miles north of Baghdad. The report described the MeK as an extremist sect, whose leaders had exerted a manipulative psychological influence on their followers

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