blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Washington Post

Iraq orders MKO to vacate Camp Ashraf

Iranian dissidents protest the Iraqi government’s orders that they vacate Camp Ashraf, even as Iraqi policemen stood ready at Camp Ashraf in case violence erupted. The government says it intends to take the exiles, members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, to camps in the south. (Hadi Mizban/associated Press) Iraqi policemen, at right, stood ready in case violence erupted. The government says it intends to take the exiles, members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, to camps in the south.

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Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Fighting Continues at Camp for Iran Exiles

In Washington, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton described the raid as a legitimate act by a sovereign nation.”Although the U.S. government remains engaged and concerned about this issue, it is a matter for the government of Iraq to resolve in accordance with its laws,”she said..clashes continued for a second day Wednesday between Iraqi troops and members of an Iranian opposition group whose camp the Iraqis stormed Tuesday

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Iraq to Relocate Iran Opposition Group

Iraq’s national security adviser said Friday that the government intends to move an Iranian opposition group[MEK/PMOI/MKO] from its sanctuary near the Iranian border to a location where leaders and”brainwashed cult members”will be separated and the latter”detoxified.”.Members of the group”should understand that their days in Iraq are numbered,”Rubaie told Western journalists

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Iraq Accuses Iranian Exiles of Plotting Attack

The Iraqi government this week accused an Iranian opposition group of planning a suicide attack against Iraqi troops, a possible prelude to decisive government action to close the group’s camp in Iraq and expel its members…Rubaie’s statement said a member of the organization had turned himself in to Iraqi security forces and told them that group leaders had instructed him to detonate explosives at the headquarters of the Iraqi security forces. The goal of the reported attack was to embarrass the Iraqi government, the statement said.

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Iraq Threatens to Expel Iranian Rebels

Iraq Threatens to Expel Iranian Rebels; Exile Group Has Protected Status Under Soon-to-Expire U.N. Mandate ..Iraqi officials say they intend to expel members of an Iranian exile group..Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie on Saturday traveled to the camp with several other government officials to deliver the message to members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group that was closely aligned with deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein but has been under U.S. military protection since shortly after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

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Iraq Intensifies Efforts to Expel Iranian Group

Now the Iraqi government is intensifying its efforts to evict the 3,800 or so members of the group who live in Iraq, although U.S. officials say they are in no hurry to change their policy toward the MEK, which has been a prime source of information about Iran’s nuclear program.

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Dissidents Seeking Help

“Alireza Jafarzadeh , 49, is the longtime Washington spokesman for the National Council of the Resistance of Iran, the political wing of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, an anti-regime militant group supported for years by Saddam Hussein. MEK has been on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations since 1997.

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Charity Event May Have Terrorist Link

Pentagon adviser Richard N. Perle, a strong advocate of war against Iraq, spoke last weekend at a charity event that U.S. officials say may have had ties to an alleged terrorist group seeking to topple the Iranian government and backed by SaddamHussein….Perle, in an interview, said he was unaware of any involvement by the terrorist group, known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), and believed he was assisting the victims of the Bam earthquake

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