‘America’s Mayor’ Rudy Giuliani Is Just Donald Trump’s Stooge Now
RUDY CAN FAIL The lawman gone bad isn’t making a legal case. He’s trying to get the mob to destroy the law on behalf of his client. So now we…
RUDY CAN FAIL The lawman gone bad isn’t making a legal case. He’s trying to get the mob to destroy the law on behalf of his client. So now we…
Perhaps the most controversial of Trump’s associates to have met with the MEK is Walid Phares, who served as Trump’s adviser on counterterrorism and the Middle East during his presidential campaign. This was hardly a symbolic post; Phares was compensated $13,000 per month by the campaign. Phares has come under criticism for Islamophobic …
Flushed with interesting new friendships, the MKO/MEK is playing U.S. anti-Iranianism to increase its political capital – a move which contravenes not only international law as it plays directly into the definition of state-sponsored terrorism, but political common sense. Again, if Iran might not appeal to all political palates, Tehran has already …
Despite all the efforts, the exiled Iranian political-militant organization Mojahedin-e Khalqm’s (MEK) remains unpopular among ordinary Iranians, Iranian dissidents, and opposition figures in the United States. When the U.S. Department…
Someone is paying a lot of money to make the controversial Mojahedin Khalq group, (better known by their initials MEK), look like a democratic opposition to Iran’s Islamic Republic. And…
Close Trump associates have been quietly meeting with a controversial Iranian opposition group that was only recently removed from the U.S. terror list, TYT has learned. Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s…
A new survey reveals that nearly 100 percent of Iranian diaspora in Canada maintain that Ottawa officials shouldn’t have taken part in the annual gathering of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization…
It’s no secret that most American politicians want political change in Iran. Whether it be President Donald Trump, Barack Obama, or George W. Bush, regime change (or a significant change…
Will the U.S. media learn from when they supported the invasion of Iraq? It is customary for pundits to lament how partisanship is destroying U.S. policy making, but one area…
This week we learned how US national security establishment and its neocon conclave have anointed a shady terrorist organization, the notorious MEK, to assume the reigns of power in Iran…