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MEPs discuss Mojahedin-E-Khalq Threat in Albania (Full report)

Experts and political representatives from Albania were in the European Parliament on Tuesday 10thApril, asking Europe for help in preventing the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) from toxifying their country’s internal and foreign relations. MEPs Ana Gomes and Patricia Lalonde hosted a round-table meeting titled ‘Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania’ to discuss the problem …

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EUP Debate: Mojahedin-e Khaq (MEK) threat in Albania

MEP Ana Gomes and MEP Patricia Lalonde would like to invite you to attend their event: “Mojahedin-E Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania” on April 10th, from 16h30 to 18h. This event will take place at the European Parliament, in room A3H-1. If you wish to attend, we would kindly ask you to provide the following information if an accreditation to the European Parliament is needed …

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A War Criminal with Terrorist Ties

In a just world, Bolton would be on trial at the Hague for war crimes. Instead, he has been promoted into a position to do to Iran what he did to Iraq. He is also in the back pocket of the MEK Iranian terrorist organization, which …

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