blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

McCain is using terrorist group MEK as his proxy war ally in the US covert war against Iran

Joachim Hagopian: John McCain has been caught regularly meeting with various terrorist groups for a number of years now. So this is really nothing new. The warmongering US traitor represents the military industrial complex and central bankers that both manufacture and profit most from war. McCain has proven to be a compromised politician owned and controlled by Israel through …

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Albania’s destabilization? You have forgotten hundreds of Mojahedin!

Day after day somebody articulates a scenario about the destabilization of Albania. Someone talks about the Serbian scenario, others about the Russian scenario… but nobody mentions a time bomb, which is several hundred terrorists, known as the Mojahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI from Iran, brought to our country under the umbrella of ‘humanitarian aid’. In many countries, this group continues to be known as a terrorist organization and to be …

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Sen. McCain adds Maryam Rajavi to his long list of backed terrorists

However, American officials are not the only ones receiving money from the MKO in exchange for political support. On July 9, 2016, former Saudi intelligence chief and former Saudi ambassador to Britain and the United States Prince Turki al-Faisal Al Saud spoke for 30 minutes before a crowd in Paris, France, for the annual conference of the MKO. Don’t be surprised, McCain has a long record of backing terror groups

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Iran: McCain’s Meeting with MKO Leaders Indicates US Continued Support for Terrorist Groups

Rajavi’s death was revealed after Turki al-Faisal who was attending the MKO annual gathering in Paris made a gaffe and spoke of the terrorist group’s ringleader as the “late Rajavi” twice. Faced with Faisal’s surprising gaffe, Rajavi’s wife, Maryam, changed her happy face with a complaining gesture and cued the interpreter to be watchful of translation words and exclude the gaffe from the Persian translation

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Should we be afraid of Senator McCain meeting with the Mojahedin Khalq in Albania?

information blackout on his meeting with the Mojahedin, throws a great deal of doubt on the US Senator’s visit to Albania. Another question is why Maryam Rajavi remains in our country at the same time that Congress met in Tirana. Why are the Mojahahedin’s activities met with a huge media silence? Has Maryam Rajavi made investments to earn status in our country or has the Albanian government given in to the Americans ,,,

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Michael Ware discovers Mojahedin Khalq hasn’t abandoned belief in armed struggle

Leading MEK/MKO/PMOI members squirm under the knowing gaze of Michael Ware. Watch the shifty looks and glances as the MEK representatives try to lie about their true intentions. They admit to wanting regime change, but claim to be pacifists. Ware asks ‘Why does a political organization still need to have a para-military organization?’ He then cleverly gets them to …

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