blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Iran’s approach toward Saudi hostility

Saudi officials have also explicitly expressed support for an anti-Iran terrorist group known as Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). The MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists have carried out numerous attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, killing thousands of people.

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How much does it cost to keep Iran’s enemies in Albania?

The Albanian page of Pars Today Website published a report by an Albanian periodical Parrena on the recent relocation of the Mujahedin-e Khalq members in Tirana, Albania. The report is titled “the result of receiving Mujahedin, Albania on the verge of war.”Parrena criticizes the Albanian government for accepting the MKO/MEK/PMOI in its territory. Like the Zionists who settled in the Palestinian territory…

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US Resettles Last MEK Members in Albania

The MEK helped Hussein’s forces suppress Shiite and Kurdish uprisings after the 1991 Gulf War. It also attempted an attack against the Iranian mission to the United Nations in 1992 and was thought to be responsible for attacks on Iranian officials in the 1990s. The State Department designated it a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997.

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Albanian Paper: Last of the Mojahedin Khalq arrived to Albania – USA thanks Albania

Yesterday the last 280 Mojahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI members from Camp Liberty, Iraq, arrived in Albania. Senator McCain welcomed the completion of the mission of transferring the Mojahedin, and thanked the Albanian government. “In 2003, the United States made a commitment to protect thousands of members of the Iranian dissident organization. Today marks the culmination of this commitment with the safe and successful relocation of all these Iranian …

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Albanian Government gives 1.8 million Leks to buy smartphones and laptops for mujahideen

In the anticipation of the status of asylum procedures, the mujahideen will stay for several months in the camp and then accommodated in flats on the outskirts of Tirana, set by the Albanian Government and organizations for their protection. Based on the agreement with the US, in the coming weeks is expected to arrive in Albania hundreds of other mujahideen. They are already in the process of integration in our society …

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Washington uses the MKO to fight a covert war against Iran

The MKO has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Iran. On August 20, 1992, the terrorist organization claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on the home of the Majlis deputy in the city of Kudasht in the province of Loristan in a report broadcast on the “Voice of Mojahed” radio. On October 12, the MKO claimed responsibility for twin bomb blasts at Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum south of Tehran, which has thousands of visitors each day. On October 15, they claimed credit for blowing up a gas station….

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Lawmakers Welcome Iraq’s MKO Expulsion

Several lawmakers welcomed the Iraqi efforts to expel the remaining members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization from its soil in the near future.Seyyed Qasem Jasemi, a principlist lawmaker, in an interview with ICANA on Saturday, praised ….

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Were Saudis behind Abbas-MEK meeting?

a coalition of Palestinian groups condemned Abbas’ meeting. A statement by the group read that the meeting can only hurt relations between Palestinian groups and Iran, which has helped Palestinian resistance groups more than Arab countries have since the 1979 revolution. The statement viewed Abbas’ meeting as being in line with Saudi policies in the region….

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