blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Howard Dean Says He’s Not a Lobbyist But He Sure Acts Like One

the Wall Street Journal reported that Dean was receiving speaking fees from the group. Around that time, Dean began vociferously arguing on behalf of the MEK/MKO/PMOI, even though he conceded that he had known little about the group before joining its cause.That year, Dean traveled along with other paid MEK supporters, including Rudy Giuliani, to appear in Berlin with the group and demand that Western nations recognize the MEK leader Maryam Rajavi as the president of Iran.

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Masoud Banisadr:Living and Escaping a Terrorist Cult

MeK was designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department until 2012. The Iranian government estimates that MeK activity has claimed some 12,000 Iranian lives over the last three decades.Operating from exile, the organization had all the trappings of a cult. Attracting young, idealistic Muslims with slogans of Islamic justice and social freedom,..

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It is time to declare an information world war on terrorism

Thirty-four years ago – on August 30th, 1981 – a bloodthirsty terrorist group assassinated the most popular President in history. You say you haven’t heard about it? Maybe that’s because it was “their” president … and “our” terrorists. The MEK/MKO/PMOI terrorists who murdered Iranian President Rajai (and thousands of other Iranians) still enjoy the protection and support of Western authorities.

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Destabilizers for Hire at Camp Liberty – Country #7 on the Neocon “Hit List”

Lieberman casually declares his suggestion and intent to disrupt the government of another country by supporting a once-declared terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI]. Why would Lieberman be concerned about the rights and freedoms of Iranians. He is not, yet pretends to be.Let us be clear. There was never a threat of WMD from Iraq, yet the country was deliberately destroyed …

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