blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

CASMII Statement on Iran and the P5+1 Deal: Prospects for Lasting Peace

Just like Iraq, unsubstantiated allegations from self-serving sources were used to convict Iran rhetorically. For example, the terror group MEK claimed [5] to have “exposed” two “secret” Iranian nuclear sites under construction in 2002, which was immediately seized upon by Western governments and media as positive proof that Iran was developing nuclear weapons in violation of the NPT. Left unsaid in the propaganda blitz were the inconvenient facts that …

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What would Iran look like if the Mojahedin-e Khalq were its government?

They[the MKO/MEK/PMOI] are quite controversial, and many documentaries and news sources describe this group as a cult, not just a militant political group. It also says it wants secularism, even though all its female members are forced to wear hejabs.. do you think they would truly uphold democracy if succeeding in taking power in Iran, or would they attack and kill ..

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U.S., Iran share complex past

The MEK aka MKO/PMOI moved its operation to Iraq and allied itself with Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran. The group assisted Saddam in his bloody crackdown of the Iraqi Shia Muslims and Kurds. It is widely believed in Iran that the MEK, trained and armed by Israel’s Mossad, assassinated four Iranian nuclear scientists since 2010…

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McCain Seeks to Protect US-Backed Terrorists From Other US-Backed Terrorists?

However, Senator McCain, along with most of the neoconservatives, have long been defenders of the terrorist MeK/MKO/PMOI because their terrorism is largely confined to Iranian soil. It is not terrorism when a group kills civilians who happen to live in a designated”evil”country like Iran. The MeK also has a habit of delivering counterfeit”evidence”of Iranian nuclear …

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Iranian resistance group MKO to move to Albania

In past years, the MKO/MEK/PMOI, led from Paris by Maryam Rajavi, has sent groups of members from their present location near Baghdad to Albania, where the group has acquired land and properties.A group of 15 of the group’s leaders reportedly went there recently to set up a base.

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MKO Ready to help for all Sorts of Assistance to KSA

Maryam Rajavi, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization’s (MKO) leader said in a meeting with the Saudi ambassador in France: We ready to help for all sorts of assistance to Kingdom Saudi Arabia (KSA).She recently in response to the request of Saudi leaders while supporting Saudi attacks to Yemen said..

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Ramadi and America’s Fracturing of Iraq

Far from being a camp for “Iranian political exiles” as Western media have attempted to portray, Ashraf was the base of the Iranian terrorist organization Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) / MKO/PMOI, an organization supported wholeheartedly by neocons (as well as most “liberals”) in its continued terror war against Iran. Of course, because Maliki dared to cleanse Iraq of these US-sponsored terrorist thugs,..

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