blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Destabilizers for Hire at Camp Liberty – Country #7 on the Neocon “Hit List”

Lieberman casually declares his suggestion and intent to disrupt the government of another country by supporting a once-declared terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI]. Why would Lieberman be concerned about the rights and freedoms of Iranians. He is not, yet pretends to be.Let us be clear. There was never a threat of WMD from Iraq, yet the country was deliberately destroyed …

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CASMII Statement on Iran and the P5+1 Deal: Prospects for Lasting Peace

Just like Iraq, unsubstantiated allegations from self-serving sources were used to convict Iran rhetorically. For example, the terror group MEK claimed [5] to have “exposed” two “secret” Iranian nuclear sites under construction in 2002, which was immediately seized upon by Western governments and media as positive proof that Iran was developing nuclear weapons in violation of the NPT. Left unsaid in the propaganda blitz were the inconvenient facts that …

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What would Iran look like if the Mojahedin-e Khalq were its government?

They[the MKO/MEK/PMOI] are quite controversial, and many documentaries and news sources describe this group as a cult, not just a militant political group. It also says it wants secularism, even though all its female members are forced to wear hejabs.. do you think they would truly uphold democracy if succeeding in taking power in Iran, or would they attack and kill ..

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