blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Meet The Weird, Well-Connected Ex-Terrorists

Jeremiah Goulka, a former RAND researcher who has made repeated visits to Camp Ashraf, said MEK leaders physical cut their members off from the outside world, limit their access to outside newspapers or TV stations, and enforce gender segregation and celibacy. He said the MEK required its followers to attend regular sessions where …

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A new life, away from terror in Tirana. No more Mojahedin Khalq

Referring to a recent ceremony in France to mark the anniversary of the group’s armed attack against Iran in 1981, a ceremony that was also broadcast via video-conference to a luxury hotel in Tirana for the MKO members in Albania, the report said that only 10 out of 71 MKO members in Albania were present. The others showed no interest. There has …

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MEK Makes Desperate New Iran Nuclear Accusation, Reuters Yawns

With the world anticipating real progress at the next round of P5+1 talks set to start next week in Geneva, the MEK is getting desperate. Because they appear to only want a violent regime change in Iran, talk of actual diplomacy is their worst nightmare. Today, Reuters reports on the latest wild accusation tossed out by the MEK using the “umbrella”…..

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Former U.S. officials at MEK rally outside UN

Kennedy, along with Bolton, Giuliani and Steele have all received handsome speaking fees in the past from MEK-affiliated organizations. They were among a gaggle of former U.S. officials who lobbied the U.S. hard in recent years to take the MEK off the State Department terrorist list. The lobbying effort bore fruit last year when the State Department did just that, despite the MEK’s past involvement in violent attacks. The MEK had been trained by the U.S. in Nevada ….

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