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Filner’s friends, the Iranian MEK

he answer to those first two questions seem to be, in this order, Mr. Masoud Rajavi, and his Marxist-Muslim organization known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (translated “the people’s army) now known internationally as the MEK/MKO/PMOI.The original report was that the trip was paid for by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities….

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60 years after the 1953 coup, US back the MKO

While conventional war, the bomb-bomb-bomb Iran approach has been so far avoided because that still remains a last resort of the bipartisan consensus, other attacks on Iran have continued, including by means of Stuxnet, the cyber-weapon built by the National Security Agency together with CIA and Israeli intelligence and used to temporarily cripple the uranium enrichment operations in Natanz, Iran. .. in addition, assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists by the Iranian terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq assisted with funding and training assistance of America’s ally Israel.

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The Obama-Al Qaeda-MEK Connection

President Barack Obama has entered into an alliance with two of the world’s leading terrorist organizations — Al Qaeda and the Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK) — in his zeal to overthrow the present governments in Syria and Iran. The Obama-Al Qaeda marriage of convenience is particularly deep and it centers on the drive to overthrow the Bashar Assad government in Damascus, through an armed opposition.

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Former Terrorist Group Gets Into Lobbying

According to his company’s FARA filing, the NCRI pays Torricelli $420,000 per year for his services, which include lobbying executive and legislative branch officials. They also gave him $34,975 in March for speeches he gave in Europe.Torricelli’s not the only former U.S. official to receive huge sums in exchange for lobbying and speeches on MEK’s behalf…

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Bob Filner now claims he was fooled by fake MEK charity in U.S.

Filner said his $9,839 in travel costs to Paris were covered by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities, a group Filner initially claimed was a charity organized under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).“I have become aware that the OIAC’s representations regarding its non-profit status were inaccurate,” Filner said in a news release late Wednesday.

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U.S. Politicians Seduced by MKO’s Shadow Government

The MeK’s aka MKO/PMOI political agenda has undergone multiple transformations—at various points since its founding in 1965 it has been Marxist, Islamist, secular—but its opposition to Iran’s post-Shah Shi’a regime has remained a constant. The organization, which moved its main headquarters to Iraq in the 1980s, was first listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department in 1997 for its killings of American civilians in Iran in the 1970s and an attempted bombing of the Iranian UN Mission…

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US Sponsored Iranian Terrorist MKO claims

Several hundred leading MKO kadres have opened a facility in Kosovo, where the MKO is reportedly cooperating with the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA/UCK, US Special Forces, and civilian as well as military U.S. intelligence services. The MKO´s human rights record has been criticized by Iran as well as international rights organizations.

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MEK Re-Ups 3 Year Old Nuclear Propaganda

..Clearly, the MEK’s latest revelations are recycled claims and, like before, are essentially allegations based on vague intelligence leaked to the group by American officials. The MEK merely acts as a laundering service for the unproven accusations of its handlers in the United States and Israel….

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