blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

MEK Stirs Pot in Iran Despite Improved Negotiation Outlook

Time will soon tell us whether there is indeed a new secret Iranian nuclear facility or if, as happens when NCRI produces its own “intelligence”, this is just another load of bunk. If NCRI’s satellite photos only appear on David Albright’s site (he has not yet posted them), then this is likely just another disinformation campaign by MEK/MKO/PMOI.

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Michael Rubin: Yes, Mujahedin al-Khalq is a dishonest cult

It seems that the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders must now not only pay speakers to sing their praises at their rallies, but also the audience members. The MKO is not only a creepy cult, and willing to say anything to buy support regardless of the group’s record, but an empty shell as well. Let us hope that one day their remaining congressional supporters will recognize that if they truly want to bring change to Iran’s odious regime, they would best reach out to the Iranian people….

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Why Is There Bipartisan Support for the MEK?

Right. One of the reasons relations between the U.S. and Iran have been contentious is because the U.S. took it upon itself to change the Iranian regime once before. There are certainly many people in Iran who would like to see the current system fall or be systemically reformed — but the people rejoicing in the streets after the election of Rouhani are unlikely to cheer efforts to install an MEK cultist as a temporary president of Iran.

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Bob Filner mum on his paid trip to MEK terror group rally

Filner has previously accepted travel from groups that are part of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. He went to Paris in June 2011, as a member of Congress. He also took a similar trip in June of 2007, federal records show. His 2011 trip cost $6,589 and was paid for by Colorado’s Iranian American Community, a group tied to the Mujahideen-e Khalq …

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How to pack a Mujahadeen-e-Khalq rally

… Sgro valued the travel, accommodation, and gifts provided by the NCRI at more than $2,000. This year’s rally just concluded in Paris. We won’t know for a while yet whether any Canadian MPs attended. We do, however, have a glimpse into who some of the supposed NCRI supporters are. Alina Alymkulova is a Kyrgyz — not Iranian — student studying in …

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Martin Kobler briefed Foreign Affairs committee of the European Parliament

Mr. Kobler also briefed AFET on UNAMI’s efforts to resettle the former residents of Camp Ashraf to third countries. He deplored the lack of cooperation of the residents and of their leadership with the UNHCR and UN monitors, and urged them to accept concrete resettlement offers. Stressing that “resettlement to safe countries is the only durable option”, he called again on …

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Iran Organizing Terror Victims Congress

Iran is organizing the first national congress of 17,000 Iranian terror victims in the capital, Tehran…Habilian Association, human rights NGO representing the families of Iranian terror victims, in collaboration with various organizations is organizing the first National Congress….

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Tsarnaev Brothers had a CIA Connection

the US long covertly supported terrorist actions by right-wing Cuban groups inside Cuba, and as it currently supports terrorist activities inside another rival state, Iran, by a terrorist organization called MEK (for People’s Mujahedin of Iran or the Mojahedin-e-Khalq), it has also supported the guerrillas in Chechnya. This explains why former federal prosecutor and arch neocon Republican Rudy Giuliani found himself sputtering in disbelief…

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