blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Where will MEK enter Iran from?

In order to penetrate into Iran MEK militants need to use territories of neighbor countries. However, permission of neighbor countries for it is not required. They may apply various methods that the terrorists use like entering different countries under different names through which they can enter Iran..Azerbaijan itself would be interested in cooperation with Iran to prevent MEK militants

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Iranian Terrorist Group M.E.K. Pays Big to Make History Go Away

IACNT and IANCC paid the lobbying firms in Washington thousands of dollars to get signatures for the congressional resolution. They paid the speakers lobby thousands of dollars to get Rendell, Giuliani and Crowley, participants said.And they funded a series of sleek ads that have aired on channels like Fox calling for a delisting of the M.E.K. aka MKO/PMOI

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Lobbying for terrorists: More on the MEK

Today’s Washington Post has another in a long series of deeply troubling press pieces about the terrorist group Mujahedin e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI and those who have sold their principles for a few thousand bucks to lobby for them…The law requires that anyone, regardless of compensation, register if they are acting at the behest of a foreign principal.

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Tribune columnist under review for paid speech for MKO

Page, a member of the Tribune editorial board, received $20,000 and was given travel expenses for the June 23 event in Paris,..In the eyes of the State Department, the MEK is a foreign terrorist organization. In the 1970s, the group killed several U.S. military personnel and civilians in Iran and..

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Who’s Hanging Out With The Iranian Terrorist Group Now?

Every big- and middle-name Democrat and Republican loves raking in fees to speak to the exiled Iranian Marxist guerilla group MEK, an official member of the State Department’s terrorist group list..Of course Newt Gingrich did this. What’s more fascinating is how working journalist Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune found himself in such a position..

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Columnist Clarence Page to return $20k speaking fee to MEK

Page said he was paid a fee of $20,000 and travel expenses and that he attended the June 23 event during vacation time. He said he just arrived back at work from vacation and has not yet given back the money..”I thought they were simply a group of Iranian exiles who were opposed to the regime in Tehran,” Page said.

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Gingrich Bows to an Iranian Terror Leader

Maryam Rajavi ‘s better known as the”principal leader”of Mujahadeen-e-Khalq or MEK, which is officially designated by the United States as a terrorist group…it’s a bit jarring to see a recent front-runner for the GOP nomination for the presidency literally bowing to the leader of a terrorist organization. The bow was an odd choice

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Is Newt Gingrich Supporting Terrorism?

he seems to be hailing them as the George Washington’s of the Middle East. That’s ludicrous. It’s also a development that you might even be justified in labeling terrifying if the MEK really were to become the new pet cause of crusading conservatives. What Gingrich is courting is not the liberation of Iran but a replay of the Iraq War. That is a path that no American administration should follow.

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Zionist-Directed U.S. Campaign against Iran Continues

The latest hypocritical twist in the Zionist extremist-directed campaign against Iran has seen an Iranian terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI], long on the State Department’s “banned” list, move towards recognition and “legitimacy” because it now can be used to carry out attacks inside Iran…

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