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The War of Words Against Iran’s MEK

The firestorm began in early February 2012 after anonymous White House officials accused the group of assassinating several Iranian nuclear scientists with the help of the Israeli government. Media coverage gained further traction after reports surfaced about alleged payments made by the MEK to former, high-ranking U.S. officials in exchange for ..

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Al-Qaida group wants off U.S. terror list

There are increasing indications that the anti-Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, known as the MEK or MKO, is working with al-Qaida to topple the U.S.-backed Iraqi government, even though it seeks to be removed from the U.S. State Department’s terror list, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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US to delist MEK/MKO? Who cares

what with MEK members still strutting around in the halls of Congress and paying large sums of money to various officials to campaign for them, never mind the MEK spokesmen who show up on Fox and HuffingtonPost to peddle their propaganda… apart from all that, the fact is that no one in Iran really gives a damn what the US State Department’s opinion on the matter is anyway.

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US violates law – provides material support for MEK

Last month the senior Obama officials lied to the American public about any U.S. involvement in the M.E.K. assassinations, but a former senior intelligence official told Hersh that the U.S. provides intelligence for M.E.K. operations. “The US broke international laws, helped finance terrorism ..

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The MEK are current terrorists not former terrorists

If asked to name a terrorist organization most Americans could likely name Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab, and a few others. Few are probably familiar with the Mujahedin-e Khalq or Peoples Mujaheddin of Iran known by its initials MEK. Accused of killing American servicemen and contractors in the 1970s…

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Target Iran: America and Israel to Officially Unleash MEK Terrorist Cult

Now we can begin to understand how this relatively small player came to be the organisation that broke the news that Iran had been ‘secretly hiding’ uranium enrichment facilities from the IAEA for two decades. Capitalising on the issue du jour, Iran’s purported nuclear weapons, the MEK network focused on telling the Necocon chicken-hawks in Washington exactly what the Israelis wanted them to hear.

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Apparently terrorism isn’t terrorism if it targets Iran

While the Journal doesn’t mention MeK’s reported role in the attacks, it does forecast what Iran’s response would be if MeK was delisted. ..”Many of Iran’s top leaders, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, were targets of MeK aka MKO/PMOI attacks during the 1980s.”Clearly, like any country, Iran takes assassination attempts on its people seriously.

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