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Is One Man’s Terrorist Another Man’s Freedom Fighter?

If MEK had, as it claims, left its terrorist ways behind, this”delisting”of it, though geopolitically unfortunate, might be legally or morally defensible. However, within only the last few months, according to NBC News, MEK/MKO/PMOI agents have murdered people by placing bombs on their cars. The murdered people were Iranian scientists,

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One Country’s Terror Group, Another’s Useful Tool?

another story from Iran has received less media attention and could have long-term implications for the State Department’s handling of terror groups moving forward.A heavy hitting, bi-partisan lobbying effort has petitioned Secretary of State Hilary Clinton for the past two years to remove the organization called Mujahideen e-Khalq (or MeK) from the State Department’s terrorism list..

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The MEK and the USA: It’s Complicated

opponents of the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI terrorist designation are willing to overlook prior transgressions if it means gaining a supposedly non-violent ally in the battle to undermine Iran.There are several problems with this line of thinking, however. For one, withdrawing the MEK’s terror designation would undeniably exacerbate tensions with Iran..

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Rendell and Mujahedin Khalq

Why, then, nearly two months after it was revealed that the Treasury Department is investigating former Gov. Ed Rendell for receiving money from a terrorist group to undertake just that sort of advocacy, has he not been indicted by the Department of Justice?..

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American Terrorism

a group of Iranians associated with Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, or MEK, were being trained in terror operations by the U.S. JSOC ..The so-called war on terror is not what it seems. America and America-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are arming and providing assistance to terrorists in Iran. America, NATO and NGOs are doing the same with al-Qaida terrorists in Syria. And they armed and provided air cover to al-Qaida terrorists in Libya.

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The US and the MEK: the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend

For some, it seems, although the MEK aka MKO/PMOI may be a terrorist group, it has the “right targets,” and therefore should be supported rather than banned.But the MEK is not simply a run-of-the-mill dissident group employing terrorist tactics. It is a bizarre and dangerous cult run by a strange and fanatical couple,The Rajavis..By legitimizing the MEK, Washington would lose almost all credibility when it comes to opposing terrorism.

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MEK: Washington’s favorite terror cult

The Mujahedin-e-Khalq–sometimes referred to as the MEK, the MKO, the PMOI, the NCRI or, perhaps more fittingly, “The Cult of Rajavi”–is a strange terrorist group by anyone’s reckoning…The MEK is just another tool in the West’s arsenal to wield against the villain of the month. As long as they are useful in bombing, attacking and otherwise causing carnage in Iran, the West will be happy to use them as pawns in their chess game. ..

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