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Why are some Americans defending an Iranian terrorist group?

Anti-interventionists like Daniel Larison and Global War on Terror critics like Glenn Greenwald are understandably bothered by the hypocrisy in all this. If people are thrown in jail for donating money to terrorist organizations[eg.MKO/MEK/PMOI], how can prominent politicians be on the payroll of one without facing arrest? Isn’t it hypocritical to decry terrorism as irredeemably evil, only to embrace the tactic when it is used against an unfriendly regime?

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US officials: Israel is using MEK terror group to target Iran

when Iran was accused of a much milder version of this same crime the mere possibility of a hint of a link, between the Iranians and any dubious characters on US soil was considered, by most of the media,..Will today’s rather damning story get an equivalent treatment?..The party line about a “dangerous Iran” attacking and threatening its neighbours shall continue its residency on our screens,and if you don’t like it… Oh look! A pigeon saved by a monkey!

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Kosher Terrorists to be Delisted

in the last few weeks the Jewish Lobby in the USA is going out of its way to support the terrorist MEK…Zionist Alan Dershowitz advocating the immediate delisting of an active terror organisation…One may be naive enough to believe that Dershowitz’call is nothing but noble, yet, embarrassingly enough, the same Dershowitz, has never been caught trying to stop his beloved Jewish State from murdering Palestinians in Gaza, in the West Bank ..

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Israel teams with MEK terrorists to kill Scientists, U.S. officials tell NBC News

The group, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, has long been designated as a terrorist group by the United States, accused of killing American servicemen and contractors in the 1970s and supporting the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran before breaking with the Iranian mullahs in 1980.The attacks, which have killed five Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and may have destroyed a missile research and development site, have been carried out in dramatic fashion..

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Assassinations Joint work of Israel and Mojahedin Khalq

Anyone in Israel, the United States, or anywhere else hoping for a salubrious regime change in Iran would be foolish to have anything to do with the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Even more important than what is foolish is what is immoral. Terrorism denies the high ground to anyone who uses it, including the use of it in disagreements with Iran. It also hastens the slide through mutually reinforcing hostility into what may be a far more destructive form of violence (i.e., a war..

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The threat is very real

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq─ is officially listed by the State Department as a “terrorist organization,” but politicians have been pushing to “de-list” them so MEK can be armed, trained, and sent into Iran, with open, rather than covert American support…This all smacks of hypocrisy, as our local activists had their homes raided, personal belongings confiscated, were served subpoenas to a Grand Jury, and are being investigated for “material support of terrorism”

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Elmar Brok for early relocation of Camp Ashraf residents

The plan by the UN to temporarily relocate the residents of camp Ashraf to a safer location, where the UN will be able to check whether they are entitled to refugee status, is definitely the first step in the right direction, Brok said in s statement..“I therefore appeal to the leadership of the camp to engage in this process without delay and I call on the government of Iraq, which has a clear responsibility to respect human rights and humanitarian law, to ..

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UN certifies that Camp Liberty meets international standards

This brings us a step further in ensuring that proper conditions are in place for voluntary relocation of Camp New Iraq residents.” UN monitors are ready to start round-the-clock human rights monitoring during the transport of residents from Camp New Iraq, as well as on their arrival at Camp Liberty, currently built to accommodate 5,500 people. UNHCR is also ready to start refugee status determination ..

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Controversial west advocacy for Camp Ashraf

.. Although the Ashraf issue is separate from the issue of MEK’s status as a terrorist organization, MEK’s backers in the West have often used the conditions at the camp to garner sympathy for the group’s broader agenda in Washington and to argue that its continued listing as a terrorist group is the cause of its mistreatment… MEK’s [MKO/PMOI] current lobbying efforts were foreshadowed in a 1994 report by the U.S. State Department, which …

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Smoking gun documents “Found” by US-backed MEK terror group

So the terrorist group which “found” the documents is funded by neoconservatives who want to overthrow Iran. What a coincidence!And as Gareth Porter notes in the above-linked article, the Mossad may have created the documents in the first place:There are some indications, moreover, that the MEK/MKO/PMOI obtained the documents not from an Iranian source but from Israel’s Mossad…

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