blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Deadline Set For Iranian Dissidents To Leave Iraq

The Iraqi government has set the deadline for members of Iranian dissident group being housed at Camp Ashraf in Diyala province to leave the country, stressing that they will be removed from the country by the deadline using”all means”available…ndicating that the Iraqi government was”taking into consideration the wish of the PMOI members to choose the country in which they wish to reside,”Dabbagh added:”We have to find a nation where they can go, and we will look to the U.N. to help.”

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Consorting with a Cult (Mujahedin Khalq)

..A combination of pecuniary interests and scant knowledge about the nature of the group[MKO/MEK] may explain some of the support for delisting. A destructively simplistic, zero-sum attitude regarding policy toward Iran explains some more of it. Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA), one of the members of Congress who favors removing the MEK[MKO/PMOI] from the list, says that the group should not be considered a terrorist organization because “they are enemies of enemies of the United States.” No, Congressman, even enemies of the United States have enemies that are terrorist groups..

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Mujahedeen Khalq – Baby Snatchers

Similarities can be seen between the Mujahideen initiative and the Chinese ‘Cultural Revolution’. One implications of this initiative is that a member’s spouse or a child belongs to the organisation and the organisation is free to do whatever it wishes to do with them. This policy claimed considerable number of casualties. Amongst them was ‘Bihawar[Bahador], the two year old son of an Iranian Kurd by the name of Khurrami. ‘Bihawar'[Bahador] was with an unknown number of children who were separated from their parents to be sent to Europe or North America. What befell to these children will be told a bit later.

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Don’t Support the Mojahedin Khalq

… I agree entirely with Rezaian’s assessment, and I would add that the idea of working with the MEK is part of an effort to prevent real diplomacy from ever taking place and to make sure that animosity between the U.S. and Iran remains and increases. The main problem isn’t that some of the people promoting this idea are misinformed about the degree of support the MEK has in Iran, but that the MEK’s support in Iran or lack of it doesn’t matter to them.

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Double standard on terror

… MEK’s international reach extends to Canada. On April 5, 1992, Iran’s Ottawa embassy was stormed by a group of Iranian exiles linked to MEK aka MKO/PMOI/NCR. The mob ransacked much of the interior and broke the ambassador’s arm. It was part of a co-ordinated series of actions that saw Iranian embassies attacked in Europe that same day. MEK has no popular base in any country. It relies totally on foreign sponsorship. During the 1980-88 war against Iran launched by Iraq’s late dictator, Saddam Hussein, which was funded partly by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Gulf states, ..

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What’s Behind the Campaign to Delist the Mujahedin al-Khalq Organization?

..I consider the MKO a terrorist group for good reason. There is no doubt that the MKO has targeted Americans, and no amount of slick public relations should erase that. During my time in Iran, it was clear that while Iranians respect the United States and have little good to say about their own government, they all detest the MKO/MEK/PMOI.The enemy of my enemy is not always a friend: Iranian attitudes toward the MKO are analogous to Americans’ views toward American Taliban ..

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Iran overcomes US-backed Mossad

..the Islamic Republic has succeeded in overcoming the so-called strong Israeli intelligence service Mossad supported by the US and Western states..Israeli and NATO officials had meetings with members of terrorist cells, including Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), Jundallah and the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), to achieve their own objectives.

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MKO’s access to the Qandil Mountains

the White House had in a message called on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to allow the elements of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) access to the Qandil Mountains ..In 2008 the Bush administration meted out some $400 million for covert operations against Iran, a significant portion of it was diverted to the MKO..Kurdish Regional Government should press charges on moral grounds against MKO for joining Saddam’s army ..

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Giuliani: The Terrorist Group I Supported Isn’t Really a Terrorist Group

..That’s kind of a lie. Because the Supreme Court—again, to be specific, Chief Justice Roberts—has ruled that the law criminalizes”advocacy performed in coordination with, or at the direction of, a foreign terrorist organization.”And while Giuliani et. al. may convincingly argue that they did nothing at the direction of MEK, it’s hard to argue that his advocacy wasn’t coordinated with the group, seeing as how he was quoted as saying this at the rally:”For your organization to be described ..

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Rudy Giuliani Proudly Supports Iranian Terrorist Group

What are Rudy Giuliani and several major Bush administration officials doing in Paris this week? Addressing a militant Iranian exile group that the U.S. government has designated a terrorist organization, of course…The four are not lone wolves in their support for MEK/MKO/PMOI. Last Friday, at a symposium organized by a group called ExecutiveAction ..

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