blogs%WP_TITLE_SEP%Western Bloggers

Canadian Lobbyist MPs defend their holiday trip to Paris paid by MKO terrorists

… In travel reports filed by the MPs, the sponsor appears mostly as the Iran Democratic Association. But Folco does not deny who paid for her ticket and makes no apologies either.”I was invited by MEK, the Mojahedin e Khalq,”she said. Folco said she knows the group is on Canada’s terrorism list. Bennett admitted that meeting with the group and accepting free travel from it carries risks. But she also said Canada needs to take a second look at the terrorism listing …lazy-minded into thinking that it’s ok to treat hellbent evildoers as if they were innocent, sane and rational..

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US Government’s Secret Plans for Iran

They are mortal enemies of the Iran Government. In their videos they praise their impact force. Thousands of fighters for a new Iran. But for the US State Department, and also for the European Union, they are considered as terrorists, on the same stage with Al-Qaeda. Is MEK today the secret ally of the US? Ex CIA agent McGovern has no doubt.

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Neoconservative Iran Policy Committee lobbies for terrorist MKO

..the source of the information — the MEK[MKO/PMOI/NCRI] is listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department — and the group’s affiliation and promotion by U.S. neoconservatives pushing hard-line policies towards Iran are reasons for skepticism. Both the State Department and independent experts have raised several alarms about the reliability of the MEK’s claims…

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MKO Terrorists from Iraq on the move

Washington’s proposal comes as the deadline for complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq draws near and Baghdad is set to hunt down and expel MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists which are historically aligned with the former Saddam Hussein regime…last month that a group of 150 long-time MKO terrorists has been moved from their base in Camp Ashraf near Baghdad to a US base in central Iraq to be trained as spies against Iran.

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Israel’s Iranian Opposition?

… Bolton and Aznar were there to represent a transatlantic coalition of neoconservative pro-Israeli interests who seem to wish to promote the PMOI as the legitimate opposition to Iran’s clerical regime. Bolton’s credentials need no rehearsal here, but let’s not forget that Aznar has recently signed on as a founding member of a European Friends of Israel, in the face of the disastrous repercussions of the Gaza Freedom floatilla raid. The reason for this is fairly clear: on the issues of Israel and on Iran’s nuclear program …

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The West must cut its terror ties

Whatever the exact degree of Western involvement with the Mojahedin-e Khalq, the group remains a candidate for partnership with Western governments, who preach about fighting terror.The Mojahedin-e Khalq might be a footnote in the wider struggle, but it’s the nail that punctures the great powers’ approach to Iran. Why harbor the group if it’s terrorist? If the West can’t agree on who’s a terrorist, how do they expect an agreement with the Muslim world?

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No excuse can acquit MKO of violence and terrorism

“U.S. relationship with Jundullah is arranged so that the U.S. provides no funding to the group, which would require an official presidential order or”finding”as well as congressional oversight. The money for Jundullah was funneled to its leader, Abdelmalek Rigi, through Iranian exiles who have connections with European and Gulf states.”..members of the MEK aka MKO/ PMOI, the Iranian opposition network that, in 1981, assassinated about 70…

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Inept at Both Killing and Coddling Terrorists

Washington is angry at Baghdad because Iraqi troops recently stormed a camp north of Baghdad belonging to the Mujahideen-e-Khalq[MKO/MEK/PMOI]…Even after the U.S. turned Saddam from friend to foe, it continued his policy of befriending the enemy of the enemy. Hawkish members of Congress shilled for the Mujahideen, despite reports that the group had become a cult. Defectors were telling horror stories of devotees being indoctrinated, forced to live gender-separated lives, and of families being broken up.

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Washington wants to write off the Mujahedin-e Khalq

The truth of the matter is that the decision to sever ties with the MEK was taken by Washington following a study undertaken by the Rand Corporation, which established, on the one hand, the criminal character of the organization (cracking down on Kurdish and Shia dissidents on behalf of Saddam Hussein) and, on the other hand, its sectarian set-up (the religious cult of the Rajavi couple and the sequestration of their members).

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