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Belgian MP: PMOI is a sect

For Josy Dubié (Belgian MP), there is not a doubt that PMOI is”a sect”. The Belgian senator draws from his memories international reporter to the RTBF to affirm it. At the end of the Iraq-Iran war, they are the combatants of this organization which Saddam Hussein had sent like”flesh with canon”at the time of the battle of Mehran, in 1989…”I know them from inside”, continues the senator,”and I can say to you that their behavior is to be brought closer to that of the members of Scientologie”. Didn’t they evolve since the Eighties? Josy Dubié does not believe in it at all.”They[PMOI/MKO/MEK] are still as sectarian as before”, he ensures.

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Canada refuses to take Iranian group MKO off terror list

The Canadian government rejected Monday a call to follow Europe’s lead and remove an Iranian resistance group from its list of banned international terrorist organizations…[MKO/PMOI/MEK]took part in a number of bombings and assassination attempts against Iranian government targets as late as 2001, according to a 2008 analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington-based think-tank.”While the group says it does not intentionally target civilians, it has often risked civilian casualties. It routinely aims its attacks at government buildings in crowded cities,”the analysis noted.

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France files appeal against”Mujahedin Khalq Organization”terrorists

France says it has filed an appeal to an EU court to keep the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) on a list of banned terrorist groups. …MKO terrorists, banned by many countries including the US, have claimed responsibility for numerous terror attacks inside Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.The group is also responsible for assisting Saddam in the massacre of thousands of Iraqi civilians.

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Iraq: To Close Camp Ashraf

Iraq plans to close down Camp Ashraf, which is the seat of Iranian militant group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MeK), within two months, Press TV reported Jan. 23, citing Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie. Al-Rubaie added that Iraq would allow MeK members to return to Iran or go to another country.

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A comment on the expulsion of Iranian Rebels

Listed as a terrorist organization, an US-led coalition disarmed these members of the People’s Mujahideen. Since 2004, they have been held in Camp Ashraf, northeast of Baghdad ..On December 22, the Iraqi government announced their intent to expel the Iranian exile group. An expulsion, which has been long sought by the Shiite-led government, will become feasible once the U.N. mandate that regulates the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq and gave the Iranian opposition group protected status expires at the end of the year (2008).

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Iraq Expels Anti-Iranian Group – MKO

The Shiite-dominated Iraqi Interior Ministry announced September 1 that members of the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MeK) or the so called PMOI had six months to leave Camp Ashraf, the U.S. camp in Iraq where approximately 3,360 members of the group are currently being held. The Saudi daily al Riyadh reported September 3 that the United States and Iran had agreed to hand over members of the MeK (also known as the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran) to Iraqi authorities.

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An Interview with MKO former members

The reporter continued by asking a question on the nowadays role of the organization, to answer the question, a terrorism expert Guidio Olimpio says:” in the past, the organization was involved in violent activities in terrorist forms but they have mainly dedicated their activities to the opposition since a few years ago and they are now definitly more active, although they don’t have the previous supporters

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But Home Office counsel Jonathan Swift told the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, today that the Government feared the PMOI’s professed cessation of terrorist activities was temporary and”for pragmatic reasons”. Lord Phillips, sitting with Lord Justice Laws and Lady Justice Arden, heard that the pro-democracy PMOI was formed 40 years ago with the aim of replacing the then-government of the Shah of Iran

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MEK Terrorists in search of identity

THEY are Iraq’s forgotten terrorists, more than 3,000 fighters of the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) languishing at one of their former military camps some 100km north of Baghdad. ‘They are definitely in a legal limbo. No one wants them,’ said Mr Said Boumedouha, a researcher at Amnesty International in London

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