
Michael Ware discovers Mojahedin Khalq hasn’t abandoned belief in armed struggle

Leading MEK/MKO/PMOI members squirm under the knowing gaze of Michael Ware. Watch the shifty looks and glances as the MEK representatives try to lie about their true intentions. They admit to wanting regime change, but claim to be pacifists. Ware asks ‘Why does a political organization still need to have a para-military organization?’ He then cleverly gets them to …

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50 Years Later (Mojahedin Khalq)

Mojahedin_Khalq_Rajavi_Cult_50_YearsPress TV, Documentary, February 23 2017:… In 1965, a number of university students in Iran decided to take up arms against the dictatorship of Mohammad Reza Shah, a proxy-war against US imperialism. To that end, they founded the “Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization,” also called “MEK” or “MKO.” It was an organization established based on Islamic ideology and tilted toward Marxist armed struggle …

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The Secrets Behind Auvers-sur-Oise (French HQ of Mojahedin Khalq)

The terrorist group of “Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization,” also called “MEK” or “MKO,” which is featured among some countries’ lists of terrorist groups is being protected in a small town only 30 kilometers from Paris, in Auvers-sur-Oise; this has resulted in neglect of public interest and freedom of speech. During the years, the organization has been responsible …

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Escaped MKO members recount horror tales in Paris

Anti-Iranian terrorist group MKO/MEK/PMOI has held its annual convention in France in what is widely believed to be a charade. Despite persistent opposition from the Iranian and Iraqi governments, the European Union removed the terrorist group from its terror list in 2008. The US followed suite in 2012. But who …

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