
Families of MEK hostages in Camp Liberty June 2015

Iran Interlink reporting from Baghdad. Video shows families of Camp Liberty residents demanding meetings with their loved ones. MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders are holding them hostage. MEK leader Massoud Rajavi has reacted hysterically claiming the families shown in the film have come to destroy the camp and …

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MKO Leader loses appeal at Supreme Court to get entry into UK

The MKO also joined forces with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during his war against Iran in the 1980s and also helped Saddam in his domestic campaigns of repression in Iraq. Until 2008 it was on Europe’s terror list. But since then there’s been efforts to bring the group in from the cold. Rajavi has been banned from entering the UK. But Lord Carlile,…

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Comrades in Arms

“Comrades in Arms” unfolds the story of those women who fell for deceptive slogans of the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Looking for a brighter future these women ended up in Camp Ashraf, where a fate worse than death awaited them. Masoud Rajavi, the leader of the organization had come up with a new idea about marital life; it was detrimental to the future of the organization. For him, marital love was a shackle that could impede the progress of his plan.

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France condemns anti-Iran MKO terrorists

On Friday, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal criticized the MKO aka MEK/PMOI for “its violent and non-democratic inspirations,” its “cult nature,” and its “intense campaign of influence and disinformation.”Paris also warned about the growing lobbying and disinformation campaign being conducted by the MKO…

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Source: Mojahedin Khalq Comrades Killed Fellows at Camp

released video of recent clashes in the MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI training camp reveal that “most of the dead were actually killed by their own fellows at the camp.” The terrorist group said that dozens of its members died in a raid on September 1 and blamed the Iraqi security forces for the deaths. Iraqi officials, however, strongly denied the allegations, and said that …

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Ex-MKO members recount ordeals at Camp Ashraf

“What I saw and endured at the MKO’s Camp Ashraf is opposite of what they say here in Europe. There is no freedom for women. They cannot talk to men, wear make-up and are even forced to have abortions… I wanted to leave there for a long time and finally escaped,” said Nasrin Ebrahimi, a former MKO member, in the French capital, Paris.

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