
Washington’s favorite Terrorists

A recently disclosed FBI report from 2004 reveals Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) continued to plan terrorist acts years after they claimed to renounce terrorism. The State Department has documented the MEK’s disturbing record: killing Americans and Iranians in terrorist attacks; fighting for Saddam Hussein against Iran and assisting Saddam’s brutal campaign against Iraq’s Kurds and Shia; its”cult-like”behavior; the abuses and even torture it commits against its own members; and its support for the U.S. embassy takeover and calls for executing the hostages …

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RT: Lobbyist in Capital Hill with pockets stuffed with MEK’s money

The Alyona Show on RT – Russian English –Language news Channel suggests the US media focus on the “Lobbyist in Capital Hill with pockets stuffed with MEK’s money”, on July 9th. The show criticizes US officials’ hypocrisy and double-standard to sell the cause of terrorists. Comparing MEK/MKO/PMOI with Al-Qaida the show poses the question that how a terrorist designated organization can be debated in a hearing held in the US congress.

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Exhibition to honor victims of MKO terrorists

This exhibition has been set up to show the true nature of the MKO and its supporters. In this exhibition we have also unveiled the links between the MKO and several other terrorist groups like Jondullah.The Iraq-based MKO is listed as a terrorist group by much of the international community, but the US and a number of its European allies still throw weight behind the group.

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Iraqis call for MKO expulsion

The Camp Ashraf , home to more than 3,000 members of the Mujahedeen Khalgh Organization (MKO) has been under spotlight once more.In a conference in Tikrit in northwest of Baghdad, attended by a number of local officials, tribal leaders, the Iraqis called on the government to put pressure on the organization to leave the country as early as possible.

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Iraq calls for departure of US delegation

Once again the Iraqi officials called for the departure of a US delegation in the country saying the delegation is on a mission which is in stark contradiction with Iraq sovereignty…The Iraqi politicians said the issue of Camp Ashraf is an internal issue and the US delegation is not allowed to make any investigation into it.The politicians also said that there are many other urgent issues which need to be investigated like the human rights violations by the US forces in Iraq.

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Iraqi lawmakers slam US intervention

Reacting to latest US government proposal to relocate the terrorist organization, MKO or Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, to another place within Iraq’s territory, Iraqi lawmakers have called it another US intervention in country’s internal affairs.The US government has proposed moving the camp of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, known as Camp Ashraf, which is located in the Province of Diyala to another place inside the country.

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Iraqi demonstrators call on government to expel MKO

Most Iraqis say they are against the existence of the MKO camp and are deeply worried about its secret and illegal activities.Some important figures turned out for the protest including tribal leaders, clerics and local government officials. Protesters shouted:”leave our country”, and carried placards with anti-MKO slogans to express their intolerance towards the presence of a terrorist group that they say has caused so much trouble in their country.

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Mujahedin Khalq members deprived of basic rights

A former member of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who has defected says MKO members are deprived of basic human rights at their Camp Ashraf base in Iraq.Maryam Sanjabi told Press TV on Tuesday that MKO members have no freedom and are not allowed to decide whether to stay with the organization or leave it. She said, “According to the organization’s regulations, members must follow orders and have no rights to ask any questions or make any comments,” she explained, adding, “Inside Ashraf, there is no access to the free world. Members are not allowed to read newspapers..

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MKO, an inside look

New defections in anti-Iran group Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization. Some former members of the MKO give us some insight into what is happening in the group which is designated terrorist by much of the international community

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Ex-MKO members recount ordeal in Iraq

he official said that the defected members have provided the Iraqi government with the evidence required to shut down the camp according to the international laws.The former members of the terrorist group say the residents of Camp Ashraf are completely cut off from the outside world, and are tortured and traumatized, but are also afraid to escape.

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