
Ashraf residents escape the cult

Mr. Mehrdad amiri, 35, and Mr. Hojat Rafiee, 42 were captured in Camp Ashraf of MKO for more than ten years. They told the families that they decided to runaway although they were seriously terrified by MKO leaders of being arrested by Iraqi forces or Iranian Intelligence.”.. The women in the group are frightened of being raped so they fear to escape mote than their male comrades,”they said.

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Ashraf residents’ families participating in a gathering in Baghdad

… The families said that it is more than 8 months that they are present in front of Ashraf garrison and all they want is to see their loved ones for even a short time, but the leaders of the MKO reject this which is an obvious example of violating basic human rights. They said to the reporters that the Rajavi terrorist cult has banned any sort of contact with the families for its members, they have basically have banned all contacts with the outside world, they have banned marriages and forming families, even thinking and dreaming has been banned …

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Mojahedin-e Khalq lies exposed by Government of Iraq and families

… On this occasion, an 18th vehicle was refused entry for legal reasons, after it was searched by Iraqi soldiers. An Iraqi official at the camp rejected the Mojahedin’s allegation as lies and said the Government of Iraq is doing all it can to assist the people inside the camp and has offered extra help which has been refused (MEK leaders have refused to allow some members who are seriously ill to be transferred to specialist hospital facilities in Baghdad). He also explained that vehicles are searched to prevent illegal items, such as arms, being taken into the camp …

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Espionage- Mujahedin Khalq Struggle for Survival

… This program sheds light on MKO treacherous activities during Iraq-Iran War and their engagement in various acts of espionage against their own country. The program focuses on the use of the MKO by Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear program. The program talks with experts including Scott Ritter, Abolhasan Bani Sadr and Massoud Khodabandeh…

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MKO increases pressure on members to prevent defection

According to the report, there have been increased instances of writing anti-MKO slogans on walls and even distribution of flyers critical of senior MKO leaders within the camp… In the past three month, several MKO members have reportedly escaped from the camp to join family members of those trapped inside the camp.

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Documentary lashes western supporters of MKO terrorists

Bolton and Aznar were there to represent a transatlantic coalition of neoconservative pro-Israeli interests who seem to wish to promote the PMOI as the legitimate opposition to Iran’s clerical regime. Bolton’s credentials need no rehearsal here, but let’s not forget that Aznar has recently signed on as a founding member of a European Friends of Israel, ..

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No one is about to open Ashraf gates

… BBC report starts with a sight of a big lock on the gate of Ashraf and the starting point of the text is “No one is to open the doors; all cries are uttered in vain”. Then the father of an Ashraf resident tells the reporter “It is for 22 years that I’ve received no letter of my son”. Some MKO members managing to escape from Ashraf are quoted as saying “Mojahedin high rankings prevent members to leave camp by means of intimidation, threat, and coercive measures”…

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Violent reaction of MEK to the families trying to visit their children

Film showing the violent reaction of Mojahedin-e Khalq to the families trying to visit their children who are being held captive inside the camp by the Rajavis. ..for 66 days the MEK leaders have refused all access to the victims inside the camp. The MEK leaders did not let the families see their children even for a minute. It is also clear that the MEK began the attack ..

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