
Spite of the Soil

This is a documentary about the terrorist organization, MKO, told through the eyes of former MKO agents who have turned away from their former terror activities. An insight into this organization which has caused terror and is recognized as a terror organization worldwide

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MKO: Yesterday’s Men?

One guest on this program, Anne Singleton, former member of the MKO (MEK, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran) exposed the truth about the MKO. The other guest, a human rights attorney, defended the MKO using the logic that President Bush is the world’s worst terrorist! So, the American neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) who support these communist terrorists have as political bedfellows those who claim to be Anti-President Bush. As the MKO continues to prove in America and in Europe, there is no shortage of dupes in the world.

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Nejat Society on MBC

Some of the defectors of MEK are trying to convince the others to return home and enjoy the granted public amnesty. The cries of wailing families who have been expecting such a day, their anxiety will end in a few minutes that last as years. The eyes of the relatives show how they have been waiting for their beloved ones for twenty-nine years now without having any news of him. And this expatriation was not for education or building a future.

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The Truth: What the history recorded

The truth that the history recorded of one of the most notorious, bloody organization Mujahedin –e- Khalq.We are narrating the life of those who have been living in MKO via words and pictures.And this is an evidence to condemn those who stood by the side of Saddam and Rajavi`s group and its followers in the trial of the history.

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The Mujahedin and US-Iran Relations

This filmed report explores the history of the MEK / PMOI, their ideology, their participation in the Iranian revolution and exile from Iran, and their collaboration with Saddam Hussein’s regime. Using interviews with historians, journalists, and first-person accounts of former members of the MEK, their shifting role is tracked through to the present day, as they continue to play a central role in US-Iran relations and create sharply divided opinions between various branches of the US government.

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