
Alforat TV reports on Mohammady family

Mohammadi told Al Forat:”when I was looking for my daughter who had been kidnapped with her brother Mohammad Mohammadi ten years ago, in Iraq, I found out that she is under physical and mental pressure by the MKO’s agents” . And Mohamadi stressed that he has submitted an appeal against them and an Iraqi court has issued the arrest warrant for three people of the leaders. He noted that the group prevents his daughter from returning to Canada.

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On Rajavi’s Canadian Hostage

Alaraghiay TV broadcasted a documentary about two Canadian sitizens, Mostafa and Mahboobeh Mohammady, who have gone to Iraq in an attempt to rescue their daughter from Mojahedin Khalq Organisation terrorist cult currently under protection of US army in Ashraf camp North of Baghdad.

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Cult of the Chameleon

Massoud Rajavi is the leader of this bizarre Iranian Cult who over the years helped Ayatollah Khomeini overthrow the Shah, then declared war on the Islamic Republic ruthlessly killing their fellow countrymen. They allied themselves with Saddam Hussein but now that he is gone are ardent supporters of the coalition. The MEK has switched allegiances so often that any underlying ideology is long gone …

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Breaking The Ties that bind

A family torn apart by Mojahedin Khalq Organisation – Rajavi cult A tale of a family torn apart by lies, deception, and government bureaucracy, “Breaking the Ties That Bind” is a true story of the Mohammady family and their tangled history with the Iranian resistance force known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq/MEK/PMOI/MKO.

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East French Rail Lines in Terror Alert

The news went on to say that information received from the Luxemburg authorities claim that the four of Iranian origin are closely linked to the Mojahedin Khalq Organization Headquarters in France. The rail system between France and Luxemburg has been interrupted for almost twenty-four hours and security has been increased as France investigates this terrorist alert.

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Mujahedin Treachery

Meeting between Abbas Davari; Head of the MKO Central Committee and officials from Saddam Hussein’s Secret Intelligence Service (IIS, Mukhaberat). During the Iran-Iraq conflict of 1980-1988, the MKO would spy on the Iranian army and deliver their information to the Iraqis, in exchange of funds and military equipments.

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