
Rajavi cult – Displaced and Hated

When France expelled Rajavi in 1986- because an international arrest warrant had been issued for him, no European country accepted to give shelter to him. Countries he had planned to go to announced that he would be arrested in the case of entering their soil.

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A Dictated Statement in Support of Terrorists

The signed statement is all compiled and prepared by MKO itself because the stated points are exactly what the group intends to pose against the drafted national reconciliation plan. As a proof, please have a look at this excerpt from the statement claimed to be issued by the above mentioned tribal leaders where MKO are referred to as promising to be good boys since they have rejected violence

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Saddam Trial for Anfal Massacre Resumes

Al-Ittihad newspaper earlier quorted PUK officials announcing that they had found audio tapes of chemical Ali, in which he orders the MKO to attack Iraqi citizens. There’s no doubt that the issue of MKO crimes against the Kurds will be discussed in this court.

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A Meeting of Friends of Terrorism

Facing its most crucial days in Iraq, MKO gets advantage of any chances to muster sympathizers and supporters to reaffirm its status as political refugees in Iraq. As the organization is banned, under the adopted anti-terrorism laws, to hole open rallies and meetings …

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Mojahedin representative Jafarzadeh in predictable propaganda move

Jafarzadeh needs first to bring evidence that the Mojahedin (aka National Council of Resistance of Iran or the resistance) does indeed have members and/or supporters inside the country and that such people are in position to gain greater access to information on Iran’s nuclear activities than the IAEA inspectors, before his claims can be taken seriously by Iran experts.

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Saddam Paid MKO’s Costs

“Saddam’s regime allocated 50% of its budget to propaganda and had ties with many Arab and non-Arab terrorist groups; for instance, it had established close ties with the MKO (Mojahedin-e Khalq organization) and in return, took advantage of this group. There’s no doubt that Saddam’s propaganda had a huge impact on many countries including Arab nations, particularly those countries with higher rates of illiteracy and poverty (such as Mauritania, Yemen, and Somalia).”

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A Revolutionary Diplomacy; the Costs and Achievements

Massoud Rajavi’s meeting with Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz, on 9 January 1983 in France would develop into a strategic alliance entwining the destiny of both Mojahedi Khalq and Saddam together. The meeting opened a new chapter in Mojahedin’s history. The meeting was in fact the product of accepting defeat in urban guerrilla warfare favored by Mojahedin as an effective tactic. Although Mojahedin had anticipated that the meeting would bring about inevitable consequences,…

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Strategic Chance Turns to Historical Disappointment

…in addition to the lack of popular support, they hoped the talks between Europe and Iran would fail and Zionist warmongers would emerge as winners.
Therefore, they resorted to propaganda against Iran’s nuclear programs and tried to convince the public opinion that it’s for military purposes; by this, they wanted to pave the way for sanctions against Iran…

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